Monday, August 30, 2010


Finally managed to force my leg to move and stand up :)

So I went down and my bro and his friend, abg Shahrul main game~ I forgot to greet him, bday nya sma mcm mia =) Now them guys ambil kaka arh rizqun~

I was hungry, searched the kitchen and uh =/

Did another experiment with milo just now! =D Woooh! Lots of sugary taste tonight =p

Experiment #2 was better than the last one :D Milo 2 spoons, and I added oatmeal then milk 'a lil' =) Mix em mix n mix! Sdh pekat siap cia 0=) Simple plg to be called an experiment but duli ya! ;p

It was really sweet~ so makan sikit sja~ and it was chewy psal ada oats =) Left it in the fridge maybe if tinggalkan jadi cake? Krg lh liat sahur =p

Brush ma teeth~ washed my face~ and now I'm awake~

Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Company of Myself

Been playing this game for the past hour =) It's ranked no4 on the "Ten games that make you think about life" list :D I stumbled upon it -again :) stumbleupon is a really good site if you have nothing to do =p and it's also a good place to stumble upon stuff that's based on your interest =) That's how I find most of... uhm... what I found =D

Don't underestimate the game!!

Because I did =p haha! And wahh~ Siuk rupanya! =D

And it's also sad =') I dunno why the smiley before ane yg senyum menangis patutnya ---> ='( <---

Haha!! =p OK! Menyeleweng~ ;p

But I mean mcm the game is really simple, ganya challenging and mcm it has this story mcm a really short simple one but ada effect wah~ Mcm sad eyh ='( That's why I love it =D

If you hate puzzle, then uhm maybe you might not like this game as much as I do =p Because even if mcm simple, but banar~ challenging! =p and now I'm stuck on this one ='( sedih eh~ I wanna know the whole story =/

Help please~ Anyone? =(

"Bend time in this sad, philosophical platformer to solve the puzzles. The game play is tricky and challenging but it is the story and introspective ambience that really make this game. Play The Company of Myself here."

The Catalyst



Stumbled upon this web with this dancing cat something, the music was so cool (for me ;p) I had to search for it =) and the lyrics Ooowah =D I really like this kind of music, but if on repeat a lil too much nda cia tahan~ =p

Watch me now,
I'm limpin' around.
The stomping ground
Like a mule.

A foot, a leg
An elephants parade
You seem to think that I look fool...ish.

I feel stupid when I'm dancing.
No, I can't dance as cool as you.
I just feel stupid when I'm dancing.
Like a psychopathic fool.

Like a lemur
A fuzzy little dreamer
I strut around with easy steps

I feel stupid when I'm dancing.
No, I can't dance as cool as you.
I just feel stupid when I'm dancing.
Like a psychopathic fool.

A frowning clown
A leopard in town
I traipse around
Like a cow

You look at me
Tell me to take it easy
but there's no way to stop me now.

I feel stupid when I'm dancing.
No, I can't dance as cool as you.
I just feel stupid when I'm dancing.
Like a psychopathic fool.

I feel stupid when I'm dancing.
No, I can't dance as cool as you.
I just feel stupid when I'm dancing.
Like a psychopathic fool.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

I want you

I've been craving a lot lately~ To eat this or drink that and do this or learn that =p So far my mum granted what I want ='D Psal aku jrg meminta yth once ada request mcm Ooo~ ada :P But then ada lagi craving baru -_- I dunno knapa aku terseliur kn sari muka (I think that's the name) BMT and teh tarik now~ And I want to bake so bad!! But aku inda tau menau kn ingredients nya ='( Mls ku tanya my mum because I know apa ya ckp tu =p

OK! I just searched the web~ It's Kuih Seri Muka =p And it's NOT apa yg ku mau =/ But now aku liat the pic terseliur ku jua =D

This is Seri Muka~

And the second one from the left is the one yg aku terseliur, psal nene buat nyaman dulu ='( What is your name food!!? ='(

I dunno why aku kn terseliurkn 'kuihs' =p I mean, classic jua!~ =p Nene would be so proud =') haha!!

Enough food~ Puasa~ Awal lagi bangun hari ane =p Inda plg ku sure apa effectnya if diteruskn ;p

Anyway~ I wanna learn how to play the tin whistle or a flute =/ It's 3rd on my fav instrument list =) Dari duluuuu dah plg ne~ But time ada flute dulu inda pandai psal I was still a young innocent girl 0=) Clueless apa kn dibuat~ Well now mseh plg jua ;p

But I want the tin whistle lah~ I searched the brunei web -_- Dui~ Nada wah ='( Hopefully ada arh store~ somewhere =/ Slalu wah what I want nada, or maybe I just really don't know where to look~ I usually ask my bro if benda2 cani, and so I did~ Last night =)

But.... Ya nda suruh =/ He told me atu nda baik psal mcm memanggil y'know y'know~ So sesiapun sja =(

I wanna play sports!! =( That's another thing on my list yg kn ku buat nanti~ Hopefully after puasa~ =) So far ada plan to have a friendly match with ka zimah nanti =D So yes!~ Looking forward to it :D And I dunno why I feel like riding a bicycle around a park~ Sounds so calming but I dunno any near park here =p And bicycle sini Mia pnya and I think rusak =(

Halo match!!!

Huhu~ ='( Sedih ku~ Balik2 sdh kena adakn this plan but inda menjadi wah ='(

But I have good news~ Saw Aqil rh stadium last week and I was with my dad, skalinya my dad ingat ea =p And cm he told him:

"Inda datang main rumah lagikh?"
Wooh! =D haha!! Suspend plg but wooh! Ertinya green light dari awal sdh tu wah if kn bawa drg main ;) And I think bpaku pun ada niat minta bwa main bula =p Psal msatu we're supposed to play rmai2 but then smua cancel except c Aqil~ yth cm kami dua gnya main dari pagi ke mlm after my dad minta bwa main fifa~ :D

And Oh! =D

Another thing that I really want is...


I wake up it's a bad dream, no one on my side

I woke up at exactly 7am today =O

Really early~ "Terbangun" plg bnarnya because I had a bad dream. It was a really weird dream, I actually spent dari tadi merecap on what happened and drew it out, but mcm suspend and panjang so I just saved it and not post it :P Psal I'm really that bad at summarizing, panjang wah once I write, mcm ntah~

I didn't go back to sleep because I cried =/ Instead aku cari arh google apa meaningnya but nda dpt~ This is my first time seeing it in my dreams, 3rd if campur my past experience, inda plg sama but how it made me feel is almost the same~

What the hell am I talking about? =p haha!


Well awal2 cool plg but something happened~ Atu ane atu ane so mcm makin teruk lh mimpi atu =p

A flock of birds =O Saw this last year arh kami pnya area. Y'know our house bersebalahan dngan my cousin and these two house sja tinggal arh this bukit so mcm marijap lh~ Inda plg deserted, but I mean arh 'bukit' atu kami sja, psal ada plg other houses, and hampir plg~

That pic okay jua, psal mcm drg migrating but yg last year I dunno. My dad ckp drg makan the small birds psal musim hujan yth mcm the birds trabang2 on one spot. And that spot exactly between my house and ka fiqah's =O So hampir wah~ Gnya tinggi~ And I actually recorded it, only I dunno where I saved it -_-

That was my 2nd time, yg my first experience ='O

To be honest ane inda plg sama =p And it's far worst actually~ to me lah~ psal yg the last two baik jua dari jauh and aku cm takut sja psal pelik~ But this one is the worst day of my life!! GILA! ='( I hate that day~ was hoping with all my heart atu mimpi but ='( It was the scariest moment lh and I don't think I'll ever forget it, mcm mental kalee face-to-face dngan fear ku wah ='(

It's not even a day wah, mcm a few hours but seksa ='( and I was alone~ Luckily that time kami mseh ada anty =) Yes~ A maid, I don't like it when people disrespect them because of their low rank job but still, they have feelings and is actually older =) So respect lah sikit -_- Inda jua smua 'jahat' some sja =p

So yea, she kinda saved me =D Kinda have goosebumps reminiscing that time =(

Mcm messy apa yg ku ckp ane =p Inda make sense? Haha!! Biarcia~ ;p

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

What Stormtroopers Do On Their Day Off

Menyeleweng eyh =p


Cool~ but ehh =p Nda brapa nyummy for me tu nyums

Here Eye Go

"If I talk real slowly
If I try real hard
To make my point dear,
That you have my heart.
Here I go

I'll tell you,
what you already know.
Here I go.
I'll tell you,
what you already know"

A book like this

Angus and Julia Stone! Just found out about them today and :) :) :) :) awesome! Ada new artist to add dlm my ipod =p Which aku lama dah inda charge and ntah dimana kh now :D

Mcm depressing lagu2 yg ku suka ane =p 'Macam!' but inda~ Entah nda ku tau =p Psal the perisher, keane, the cranberries, owl city.................. lalalaa~ cemani2 musicnya :) I don't know why I like this kind of music =p Musicnya calming ah and lawa :) Sooo~ yea, maybe bnar plg nyaman utk bwa tdor =p Peduli ya! Me like =D

But the girl's voice mcm yg jenis Adele-ish~ which aku jrg suka =p But oklah ea and Adele~ tpkai plg ku jua :D and drg adi beradi =D Cool2~ I wiki-ed them and cam whoaaa ='D Interesting~ and drg Aussie lah~ so far I like2 them :)

Baru dngar 6 of their songs plg =) And I do like their MV jua =D

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Brunei Improv

Last time I posted this:

Turns out Brunei ada jua! =D

Notice at 3:46 ada a girl gave the middle finger =O Gila~ Public jua tu, kids lalu lintas and drg lagi stay in that position lama2 -_- Bravo~ Good example banar -_-

I dunno if it's a group yet, I wanna know what it's called but mls kn browse lagi =p Cool eyh~ Ntah for me lah :) I mean the person who first thought of this is a genius!! Mcm so out of the box wah =D Gila creative~ I salute him/her =)


I wonder how the magician is doing :)

Le pierdo~

La manco~

Ich verpasse Sie~

Cemana ne sie~

Saya rindu dia sie~











I miss you

5th day


Me: Pa, aku jln dulu~ *salam*

Bpa: Mbah~ kan kemana kau?

Me: Ahan Thai c Nad bawa...

Bpa: Ah! Bhapa kau kan ke pantai time cemani ane!!!

Me&Mia: "Ahan Thai!!~"

Haha! Confident lagitu kn mrh~ =p And calinya c Mia ane ada th jua tarus2 menyampuk =p

Selalu~ entah kenapa, well bpaku tdor plg time atu, but sama jua~ tdor kh inda lain kdg2 apa yg didngar nya -_- and aku tarus ckp aku kn jln ea awu2 th jua =O Pelik~ cam Oooo~ sanang jua green light ;p Padahal aku alum gtau bpa, which aku inda tau bpa inda tau psal aku baru gtau my mum and sma jua aku baru gtau an hour before aku kn jln~ SO! =D That day was weird~ Sanang wah berabis kn green light~

Neway went out and sungkai-ed with Nad, Syaf, Ain, Zub and Naimah~ Then after Ahan Thai makan lagi drg arh snow ice~ Went home with Syaf and Nad, Syaf wanna say something time dlm the car but -_- inda cia jadi~ forced her but still inda menjadi =( Ok~ I dunno~ Makin pyh... hmmpp ='( You can just tell me y'know...

Balik rumah~ too tired and fell asleep tarus~~~

Thanks Nad for the ride home~ =)

Sunday, August 15, 2010

On the walls I say

O level oral will start next week! Tomorrow in fact =O

I like to think of it as the official opening of our 'blah' month :D

I want to change! =) It's easier said than done~ I know~ Imma start studying! Maybe~ =p I dunno, but I know for sure that I should~ But it's kinda hard right now to do that, I'm a mess! My room is a mess~

I've been thinking of renovating it since last month and hopefully I will be doing just that SOON! =)

And I will try my best NOT to ruin it within a week :D Because you see, my room is the messiest in the house, running champion for five years =p And even if it was neat and clean, within a week it's a mess -again!

I actually figured out why I'm always like that :)

So yea~ Changes will be made, hopefully~ I'll clean my room, but I actually planned on doing a project on it :D I'm seriously thinking of redecorating them! =) I already have some ideas in mind, and I have the freedom to do anything with my room so I think I'm gonna go with it this time :D

I won't paint my wall =p I don't feel like I need to, I like it the way it is, sky blue~ calms me :) But I might treat em as my canvas this time ;p I'll probably do something with it, I'm not sure what yet =/ But I need some art on the walls for sure :D Gymah told me about this house that has the room hand-drawn with a marker =D

I'm considering it =)

Sooooo~ I have lots of ideas but people won't care~ they like to see it done than said ;p Wanna see the action~ so booooo~ aku pemalas :p That's why I'm challenging myself if I could do it within the period of a month! Before raya starts :D

Am not sure if I can do it~

But I will! =D

Woooh! =') Inspired eh~


Yesterday sungkai-ed arh nene again =)

Nothing much happened~ But someone curchated at me and I found it quite funny, not what he churchated~ ok maybe a little about that =p (Awuuwah sorry if kau baca~ drama jua cana ;) I mean the fact that ea considered to tell me all these lh~ Psal we've been busy with our own lives sdh and cam jrg-er dh berjumpa but he seems to be open about telling me his problems which was Ooooo~ =D

Growing up slalu main with him and his bros, yg smua guys ane~ Yth ganya kraja kami tu dulu =p Game, game, game, game, snacks, games!~ So we were pretty close~ oklah jua~ Psal their dad strict skit and if drg mau main game kh apa pyh2an and my bro suka games and so I play them jua and knew quite a lot about some of it and yth jadi connection kami tu =p I guess that bond is still there =)

And this dude yg churchat ane is actually kinda like me in a way =p Mcm if becerita pyh2an wah~ =p Neway~ all the luck to you cuz ;) In this 'drama' =p haha!!

"I trust you kay"

That was sweet =p He told me once last year he's afraid of girls at school -ish~ and not sure if ea berchurchat dngan his guys friends so he was kinda shy kn time gtau aku but then mau~ yth it's kinda funny ;p I wonder if all guys ada issue mcm ea ane :D

Btw~ You're still young dude! So drama eyh =p Kalah kaka~ Nah~ This below pic is for you =p Growing up dah ne ;)

Okay~ Banarnya nada plg kena mengena tu =p Aku ambil psal ada word 'kids' sja ;p haha!!

Siput turbo ♥

Finally done with it =)

Made another banner, haven't done one for quite some time~ Yth rusty sikit =p Lupa apa cana :D I made it simple psal I was tired and recently cani sja style ku buat =p Yth~ sorry girls if inda satisfying~ If inda mau buat sendiri =p haha!! Nadawah 0=)

So Siput turbo was actually our class pnya pe team last year =) My team actually~ there were two teams and that other one I think was called dragon of R~ =p Geek eh~ haha!! ;) Nadawah~ 0=)

Neway for some reason people like that name =p seh! prasan~ haha!! But banarwah~ I mean smua urg namanya cawir2 including us lah~ but since kami snail mcm nature so yea ;) Ramai yg terharu yg kami mseh sanggup mengingatkan akan binatang lain :D Inda plg bnar tu~ the last part~ or second last ;)

Da da da

Thanks to Gymah!

Now I am addicted to this!! =p


So good~


Lawa jua tu the music ;) Catchy~And tidak kh comelnya the dude :D And tarianya patut pemes mcm soulja boy ;) HAHAHA! ...... but seriously =p

At 3mins onwards is one of my fav =p Psal mcm gay usulnya padahal its him! And ada power ranger style lagi tu =p and 1.50 dance nya =p HAHA! Gilers~ Siuk eyh =D

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Friday, August 13, 2010

We care

I got bored again =p and found these! =D

Animals can make me smile so easily :)

Bugs and insects excluded =p I hate them =p

Warms my heart most of the time when I see them :D

Most of the time~ Well the monkeys here is such a trouble =p

I kinda miss having the responsibility to take care of one ='(

I think I will get one after the exam =)

I think I will sneak one into my room after the exam =p

I know my parents won't let me =/

They have such a way into my

But I'm such a coward to know what's going on with the not so fortunate ones =(

Humans are so cruel ;(

The Japanese people are ;(

Booooooooooo!!! ;(

Kay bye! =)

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

No rush

I was really clumsy today mcm weak~ I dunno~ Had chem practical and it was ehh... I really like titration =D it went well but calculation I hate =p and the 2nd experiment gilaa~ Ntah clumsy eyh, I spilled the R-liquid atu and cam contaminated cia the solution yg kana and cam I don't think ada extra psal that was provided sdh so I was panicking and cam ntah~ antam smua =( Bnyak no observation ah =O

Then hbs even Zayas tagur that I almost fell twice :p Once arh bridge, then arh tangga =p Sorry2~ :D So we took the long way kn ke conference room, our quarantine area, psal there were people from other shift blocking this and that =p

It was boring~ I'm in the first shift, as always =p but then Sir Taufiq came to the rescue =D He took the D&T student kluar from that place and bawa ke workshop =) Since BETR, our class R sja yg D&T so siuk lah kraja psal nda ramai =)

Unfortunately aku clumsy lagi~ =p I was unscrewing the pillar drill but it was karas~ Really karas and I was wearing the safety stuff and all but psal frustrated karas mseh atu yth tanpa menyedari my left hand ane ikut th jua memigang the screw area atu and when cam I unscrewed it with all the force yg ku ada sdh one of my fingers tekapit =O

It's not really a screw, ntah apa kh namanya but it's the place where ea holds the drill pnya basi =p Okay ntah~ mls kn explain~ But it hurts~ The area yg kana inda plg bsar bnar, but it was deep and padih =p

I don't know what happened next psal suspend wah, but badanku over react I think :D Awu plg sakit, but more like padih~ But peliknya my body couldn't take it~ I was shock mcm ntah~ Then sajuk menarus rasanya and my head barat berabis, y'know that feeling if batah2 limpang or duduk then berdiri menarus paning and cam hitam2? Yea, head rush kah? ntah~ That was what I was feeling, gnya batah berabis~

The last time aku cani was last year =p And pernah I fainted twice because of it, mcm ntah~ I wasn't aware aku walking, I couldn't see psal it was black-ish and then terhantuk and blackout and rupanya I was on the floor :D First time kena angkat~ then the 2nd time it happened no one was around, so time bangun I crawled back to my bed :D

So since mcm familiar sdh the situation, I dropped everything arh the nearest table and duduk tarus balik arh my seat, gila kuat wah paningnya! Mcm nda teangkat lagi badan, and then batah2 atu nda jua makin baik so since nda tahan duduk, tarus ku limpang arh the floor =p I know it's kinda dirty but gila nda ku peduli, I couldn't take it, kn menangis pn inda :p

Then kacau~ Ada suara the guys+sir, so terduduk balik psal I didn't want them to know~ Ali saw it tho, which ea tagur recently, I mean in a nice way~ Thanks =) But then kacau lagi~ sir nampak, I tried kn buang kes duduk arh FifahJ but sir tagur-er I looked pale and suruh stop doing everything, ntah I dunno~ Mukaku sajuk berabis rasanya, terasa changes nya so last2 mls ku kn deny it and did what was told, rest arh staffroom sir =)

So again, sir to the rescue :) He gave FifahJ $5 to buy me some food, which FifahJ terhilang =p Then sir bagi lagi~ but I ate sandwich sja and atupun I felt guilty menyusahkn sir so I paid him back 0=) Baik ah sir, he's one of the few teachers that I know yg care about his students psal yg bukan study :D I mean awulah he cares about the study part, but I mean he's aware yg kami stressed kh apakh and considerate lah =) That was actually the 3rd time ea noticed something was wrong with me =p seh! I'm normal kalier but I mean pham2 lah =D

Had a short lunch and played volley/netball early =D

It was FUN! Gilerr siuk main =') I was really satisfied lah, psal puas main atu, sampai hajat =D It was awal tho, tngahari wah! so panasss and ntah just panasss~ =p surprisingly it was the second time us girls played as a team :D Selama ane baruth kn main as one team wah~ Usually kna split but now all 7 players dari our own group :)

And somehow when one team dngan durang ane nyaman main =) Aman wah rasanya =p seh! I mean I could feel the teamwork and cam co-operation dari each player which was really nyaman mata memandang =p ntah~ point is, it made me feel glad and happy just to play, I'm not saying kami handal or apa, but mcm happy liat sorang2 inda tamak kn main sendiri2~

We had two match that day against the year 9~ Won both match =) First match I scored the first goal ;) Seh~ but atu gnya~ lamah wah mseh =p so it was 1-4 then second match 2-5 and I scored 2 Sar 3 :D Overall, it was a good game :) and Sar was really fast, cm if I dropped it ea tarus to the rescue =')

Played volley, we sucked but we had fun =p Then naleh went to the canteen :)

Everyone lanja-ed everyone, well aku plg tu mengusut awal2 kelaparan and I had some coins but mls kn makan bnyak2 so we shared bali chips, pkai coins dari drg smua :D Dee dared me to byr slowly pkai the coins, =p haha!! Sanang~ So last2 $4 of chips bebali :D Thanks to those yg bnyak kluar duit =p I spent 20c plg sja =p sorry~ next time my treat 0=)

Spent the rest of the time wasting time :) It's not completely wasted when you're having fun now~ We shared jokes, so the mood that day was really great :D