Saturday, July 31, 2010

Before sunrise

This is an old movie, I think 1995 but it's so COOL! =D I've seen it around for some time, while searching for a new movie kn diliat plg tu and well usually I do judge a movie by its cover =p Sadang~ 'Judge' is not the right word, emm but by the cover atu aku decide if I wanna watch it or not :D

The bottom picture is the one yg kinda buat aku to mls liat this movie awal2 :D Psal it's so orange~ and dull-ish~ and old-ish~ yth I skipped it but mcm memajal kn urg review ane the best so okay2~ why not 0=) The movie wasn't oldish at all rupanya =D It was mcm biasa~ And I made a new one, sja2~ Inda plg better but nyaman-er mata memandang without too many reds and orange blablah~ :D But then mls, so yg atas atu sja simple =)

The story is so cool!! =D But there wasn't really any storyline innit which makes it again so cool! In a good way lah~ I didn't realized it at first yg nada storyline atu, cam Oooo~ Well ada plg but it's not like any other movies yg lain lh~ Maybe... ntah~ Psal ane guy meets girl and all they do is talk mcm biasa, atu sja wah but then siuk~ For me plg tu but then ending nya....

Overall I'd give it an 8 lah =)

Luckily this is an old movie and I checked ada sambungannya =) 'Before sunset' so nda pyh tunggu years~ woohhh! I hr lagi downloading plg~ So hopefully siuk jua =) But this is 10 years later from the last movie, and 'Before sunrise' they actually only spent a day in that movie but... liatlh sendiri =) And the actress lawa, she looks like Phoebe Buffay tho =p

Then today I watched Billy Elliot~ Baruth~ I think I bought it months ago =p Siuk! Siuk!~ Cali and kesian~ At first mls liat psal usulnya like the usual dancing movie, he/she kan nari but miskin and/or family against he/she~

I do like dancing but I really don't like the dance movie much =/ Some I do like, but the dances yg siuk plus lawa but the movie as a whole 'sorry~' me no like~ And ada kdg2 its just annoying to watch ;(

But this movie I'm not saying the best plg for this genre~ Actually, even if it is about dancing there really isn't much dance in it. The dance is NOT the main focus, mcm bnyak lah, so siuk and sedih =p And their accents is so cool!~ Mcm pelik gila cali mendangar but funfun! And they have some pretty weird characters yg gila mengajut but I knew it was coming but cm nda pcaya wah!
There's a lot of cursing in this movie tho, but somehow cali mendangar~ Psal the accent kalee~ =p I recommend watching both~ Agath liat, siuk =)

Exam week

This is what I was telling you about yesterday

I still do :)

Woah~ That sounded cheesy and probably lame 0=)

Well I told you it's suspend 'VrAvIsHiLy' :D

"Dui~ sekadar~" =p


That's probably why, because~ I missed all that for awhile :)

I have 5 more papers for QE! I just hope I get enough marks to make it through and not be a private candidate =( AMIN~ I didn't study last minute, in fact I "didn't study" and that's kinda annoying :D I tried but the tilam is so very comfortable~


Friday, July 23, 2010

Fail! =p

Okay these two pics cool~ cool~ :D for me lah~ so pass pass~ :D

NOW! Yg fail~ fail~ but still cool~ cool~ =p

She is so perfect? ;p
Notice the picture yg damit~ Tangan nya grow balik!! =O Wow!
How touching~ It's a miracle! =')

HAHA! =p

I feel really mean right now =(

Oooo~ congrats =p Is it a girl or a boy?? HAHA! =D

This is plain weird!

She's actually black but psal makan crunch atu, the food kn go arh the stomach then cam Bzzbzbzt!! Eath that's why sana jadi white! ;)

Adam's family returned? =O


Note to self:






BAWA!! -_-

They are called hedgehogs ♥

Read something really random...

These little creatures, finally know what you are =)

...but it was really sweet somehow

Thank you love ;)

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Improv Everywhere

This is a MUST see! Awesome ah!!

And this one gila!~ =D Awesome jua!!

I found ImprovEverywhere recently plg~ Their vids awesome2 =) Creative ah, well kirakn drg buat pranks but without humiliating people cam ntah~ See the vids lah =D and it's funny =) Well for me lah =)

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Happy Birthday!


Hazimah Hanafiah!!

Apa..? Kaka kn lanja lagi? Bila~ Oohh inda lama lagi? =p haha!!

Sengaja plg ku late greet because~ I wanna be your first and your last.... greeter~ ;) Seh! haha!! But banarkn aku the first to greet knkn ;) Well aku kn greet plg tadi, but I went home early cause I feel sick :) So Happy birthday! and cheer up!! =)



Faizzuddin Aminnuddin!!

Mr Bean!! Nanti if ku invite halo lagi baik kau datang! -_- You're not gonna read this plg =p So boo~ lau inda dpt jua ku kacau =) Nanti th after exam ada I'll ask abg adib bawa kamu kemari tu~ =)

Ooo~ You both share the same day pnya =D

(Edited) Ooo!! Look! Posted 11.59pm! =p Wah~ Handal eyh ;)

Monday, July 19, 2010

MS Anti-drug carnival

The girls nda jadi visit Zati, last minute Leez's dad nda suruh -_- Which is odd since I thought she said he encouraged her to do so awal2~ So since atu cancel I thought meet at school rupanya drg meet at Leez jua =/

Came early at 10 with Mia, dad couldn't come sma ea so babysit ea th tu~ and my sis kn kraja so awal pn awal lah~ Jln2 sja buang masa~ Met Shaz and em... someone~ Her friend lah =)

Mia mengusut since aku nda tau apa kn dibuat and jalan2 sja~ So bwa duduk2 arh teacher's cafe akhirnya~ Then jumpa... dia~ =D Banarnya aku buang kes =p Eksen2 nda nampak when he came, psal dupdups wah so cam kn keep cool lah ;)

He accompanied me till the girls dtg =) Said goodbye to him =( then jumpa the girls rh audi =) Pukul 11+ -_- Dee and Qil sja ikut Leez~ Gymah wah nowhere to be seen~ Rupanya nda jadi dtg psal mls gagas kn tkar baju~ lah =/

Oooo Fish spa =D

Jumpa Farah not long after that, FifahH was there as well, Umi and Azin, then the guys Azri and Aqil sma Irfan sja I think~

Jumpa the guys so jln2 sma Azri and Aqil, was planning on trying the flying fox but tutup till 1 and ATV cam mls~ psal ramai jua~ So audi lagi~ ulang alik eh =p But yg kn lawan game ne nda jua jadi since Azri Zhah dah bersatu ;)

We were bored, and naleh~ So duduk arh the green seat :D And cam terseliur liat the kids rh playground and color2~ C drg sruh ku tanya the MP if dpt join, and ku tanya jua~ the MP was kinda tekajut =p And nda tau apa kn dibuat, since kami bsar2~ but the payment kn join murah ah~ 50c! So mau lah, boring2 baik color knkn ;) But ea cm unsure, yth kn tanya the big boss~ But penakut cancel nda jadi :D

Then Mia got bored, minta bawa main~ So aku sja dangani since drg pmls mseh -_- and ksian jua ku~ So we played yg bawah, then arh stage main DDR =p Wooh! Noob! Basic pn payah2, fail lagi tu~ So yg before basic th ku pilih akhirnya :p Yg difficulty level satu bar sja ah ;p haha!! Lama dh nda main, dirumah pnya behabuk~ Rockband nda jadi =/ Since dirumah ada jua~ But balik2 ah~ =( Lawan the same person =/ Nada challenge~

After lunch jumpa Syidah =) Cali ya ne~ Takut kn kluar psal ramai urg?? haha!! Sorry lah Syid~ Memang ramai tak kn berkurang ne ;) At 1 went to lecture theater for the musical theater~ Seh! Handal =D Rhyme ;) haha!! I thought I was late, rupanya c zeerul alum lagi masuk~ =) It was packed dlm~ Pasal the place sampit jua wah! So shared seats sja =) Aku nda pham apa msg drg sampaikn -_- But ada according to him, and it's true jua lah =p

♥ this guy =)

Mia finally got her wish dari last year kn ride a horse =) Buyuk ah pnya~ Mine last year dapat 3 rounds kh? But not one lah, ane one round and still the same price cam -_- And the horse Oooo~ sensitive jua rupanya =p That moment patutnya berecord~ Pelik eh kuda atu ;)

Minimum ticket needed was 35~ Mia ada 20? Since mug sja, membazir if $1 dpt 3 ticket, mcm $5 jua lagi tu~ Baik bali rh happy star~

Wooo~ Mau lagitu =p and group photo failed~ =( Apa ne mia nda pro gambar, mcm smua yg ea gambar kabur2 -_- yg direcordnya nda bebunyi psal adakh ditutupnya the sound place atu~

Had fun spending time with him =) But we were heading to the reptile house next and since ea inda suka snakes and balik awal-er so byebye~ =( The reptile house/room jua -_- nda brapa~ I got bored easily since nda banyak kn dicuba, and surprisingly aku mau cuba pigang the snake =) Daring ah that time, maybe psal it's something new and jrg yth I don't want to miss that chance or psal $3 atu kale =p and I got pranked by one of the dude sana -_- Krg asm! Pacah hp wah =p Memalukan~

The girls kata awal balik~ at 4 ish~ Inda jua =p So spent the rest of the time rh pond with yg mseh alum balik~ It was cali~ Bnyak urg sakai kn the pond so ikut2 th jua kami ;p And Mia dtg cia soalan2 lame nya~ And c Kamarul ane ikut th jua~ Then sorang2 ada soalan, it was fun jualah =)

Aku main hantam jawab but lurus! =D haha!! Wahhh~ cool cool~ Gila bnyak stock soalan c Mia that day~ tsktsk~ Blajar nda mau, joke2 mau ah~

Sorang2 lapar~ sorang2~ Bored~ we didn't see much poklens that day =p

Went home at 5, since Mia didn't want to go home early~ So antam sja~ The carnival was ehhh... okay lh~ I give it a 6, but time spent with all of them was nice =)

Saturday, July 17, 2010

No electricity!!

...dari ku balik skulah till 10pm tadi~ Sampat plg td lagi main rockband then makan lambat2 before Pieewwpssztt~ Off lampu one by one~ Huuhhh creepy =p But siang mseh so phew~ Well siang-ish lah~ 6.30pm+ so still got light~

It was dull at first, boring nda kn dibuat and me and abg alum naik since mls, stay sja bwah, kaka mseh kraja, I think akhir shift nya today =/ Then abg conquer the kerusi yg arh bilik tv tdor sna, so arh bilik tamu sja th ku kn try tdor~ But my mum mcm biasa nda suka cni2, siapa jua -_- yath bwa jln ke mum's and was hoping the electricity would be back on when we get back.

Aku mals plg bnarnya kn ikut but cm my mum minta dangani yth bagi my famous answer ;) 'manasja~' then sasak kale babu =p 'kau ane, mnasja2~ ikut sja, jrg sdh bejalan ane'

Oooo~ yakh? :D I didn't know she wanted me to jln bnyak2 ;p

But indalah~ I know plg tu apa maksudnya, kalee~ Psal every time my mum jln with the sistah, aku nda ikut =p Psal cemana jua, time cuti awal2 pagi buta~ And aku slalu akhir bangun, and kna tinggalkn cia slalu :( Kaka plg tu mengatuk inda pro -_- Bsar awu, ganazzz lagi! Cm mmbagi bad mood tarus, annoyed~ mls th ku pduli, sambung sja tdor~ skalinya inda moody luan damit~ dngar pn ku inda =/

Neway jln ke mums yg menglait kh? Ntah, but that place yg ada half price atulah~ And rupanya pelanggang setia ne my mum sma c mia ane, pemes dah dikenali yg kraja sna =O And time otw ke sana pelik, psal my mum was talking/asking me about family c zeerul =p

It was ntah, cali? Psal ntah, peliklh~ and kinda tekajut jua psal my mum inda mind and ntah open and cam accepted dh psal I thought my mum ane strict-er when it comes to this lh~ well awu plg but ntah~ :D Inda plg ea Q&E but more like ea yg becerita and tau lagi ya bnyak dari aku, so kirakn mcm my mum mengenang kembali zaman ea dulu2 sma aunty kamariah c zeerul =)

It was fun? haha, ntah but cam pelik wah, it's kinda rare for my parents kn becerita2 deep2 and that time cam as if aku becerita dngan my friends, eath cam woow~ Ok most of the time my mum plg yg becakap since aku 'awuu~ ah?~ yawah? entah~ banarwh?' stuff like that :D Haha! Psal mana ku tau, and she was asking me stuff cm sama kh inda mseh familynya like it used to be :) It was fun lah, daughter and mum moment :D seh~ haha! Apakn~ bnar jua tu, jrg wh tu terjadi =') And weird jua lah, since now I know a bit more about his family dari my mum plg =O haha!

"Apatah lelaki ane, cemana usulnya, baik~?"

Haha! Atu cali~ Psal my mum sampat lagi mensqueeze question atu before kn kluar kreta, it was me and her plg sja, psal mia kluar awl =) So aku malu2~ jawab ea jahat~ emo~ deep~ ;) haha!! Nada wah~ Awuwah~ I think I said si dia baik~ Knapa jua ku kn aga yg jahat, and cam care for his friends, I think eyh~ ;p awulah~ psal nda jua ku ingat exact word yg I said knkn :) Then she asked cemana buleh, and aku blank cam ntah cemana apa? Rupanya she wants to know y'know y'know~ ada anak2 soalan lagi, cali lah psal kn kluar kreta kaliah~ but alum =p

Bila balik rumah 8+ alum buka karan =( Rupanya the truck yg supposed to usai the power thing di bawah bukit atu termasuk longkang -_- Now, instead of usai-ing the karan people kn get the truck out~ Luckily nada injured, so we waited lagi~ And smua family akhirnya dibawah nada beparam dlm bilik~ Even jiran/cousin kami sbalah jua~ Kami mcm urg utan sja, diluar =p And I got bitten bnyak by nyamuk =/ alum batah~ Nda tahan masuk -_- sorang2 ah dlm~ since smua diluar~

At 10-ish ON! =D YEA! Then after 10.30-ish OFF lagi!! -_- Hoi!! Kambang eyh~ After 11ish baruth on kalee balik =/ So turun balik~ Mia and abg played PSP arh tangga, and I was tired dh so limpang2 arh bilik tv~ Then main shadow nda dpt tdor =D

Left: Fat rabbit falling down~ Tangannya yg siring~ Yg middle ears nya ;)
Right: Supposed to be a giraffe but nada usul :(

Left: I dunno why aku liat atu macam Rocky! =D
Right: Ehm? Rabbit rocky showing muscle?? =p

Tomorrow carnival~ Tadi all the tables were rearranged, nada seats~ raining lagi :( I saw ka zimah and menumpang/kn curchat arh ea, then rupa-rupanya ada dia =) Overall, today was a weird day, cold day and a cool day =)


We are NOT gonna perform suk~


Kay nada effect lagi I think arh ku, or maybe not yet but I dunno~ Somehow I was kinda glad when the teacher apologized our dance wouldn't be included for tomorrow's event because ertinya nda bangun awal!! =D And I'm all free on sunday =) I do wanna dance plg, but after yesterday cam sanak sedikit rasanya :p yath cam phew~ lapas jua lh from that =)

I'm a bit annoyed plg~ Atu sja, psal cam balik2 dh this happened

The reason why aku lupa =p I think she said ea ask this jabatan something and dancing wouldn't really send any anti-drug related msg so kami nda jadi~

Anyway, thanks to the dancers, Zimah, Maj, Syai, Ziana, Widaad and esp ka Zimah!~ =) Yea~ At least sampai jua hajat kn relearn zapin ;) and I have the songs! Duubleya! =D

Friday, July 16, 2010