Wednesday, February 1, 2012

An hour checklist ;)

Hello Azeerul Azez!!
Happy belated 20th...birthday!
It's your birthday!
Hehehe! :8)

Happy 20th Monthsary to us sayang!!
What a lovely number <3
And it's an even number! :D
We did make it this far :')
(How dare you asked if we'd make it or not to this 20th last month :p Haha! Nadawah :))

Sorry I made you go and check here and there since 11pm just now. Sengaja plg tu.
Huehue :8)

Anyway~ Was gonna attach an image here, but am having troubles :(
I thought I saved it on the desktop, I'm pretty sure I did save it there.
But I just can't seem to find it in my laptop :(

Hmmm... maybe I CAN'T find it, but YOU CAN ;)

There was exactly 11 capitals used wasn't it :p
Capital is a word right? :D

What's that word??

Huehue! Sorry!
I know you might be busy or what td/now.
Buuuut yea~ Good luck ;)

P/s: So cool if you can find the shortcut :8)