Monday, June 14, 2010

Jungle mall

This Monday 14th June was it? Gila hectic~ Zati asked my class out to watch a movie on the same day I agreed to go out with Syaf and Nad. So I told them girls I'm not gonna join them, but I might just meet them if them Syaf awal balik, but then smua jua awal kn balik pkul 5 -_-

Last2 rupanya c Syaf wanted to take the early movie, after 11am+ish so I made a plan for me to be able to spend time with both group. Since my class are gonna watch the 'Karate Kid' at 2.15 and mine is earlier at 11am-ish~ I'm just gonna watch one movie and skip the movie with my class and meet them at 4, where they say they're gonna shop for Tuesday event, food and stuff. And since I'm not joining them, the rest of the time I'll be with Syaf, Nad and Buzz, usually I thought kami jln2 sja so ok~ Nda jua pa2 tu, lama dh nda hang out.

That day I came late, psal akhir bangun and baru gtau my dad aku jln. But actually I was just in time plg for the movie, 10 mins left, still ada masa~ But nasib jua c Syaf call balik, psal then I won't have a ticket :D They thought I wasn't coming, so ada ticket right next to them, mcm biasa drg plih the F seat, and mcm biasa I took the seat nearest to the middle :D So F4 Ooo~ Band lama =p And Syaf lanja lah~ Thanks Syaf ;)

Skalinya dlm cinema a few minutes later baru ku realize I don't know what movie kami liat! Gila~ Mcm sasak ku, main2 wh drg ah -_- Inda lagi mau gtau, ktawa2 lagi tu, sorry ah people dlm sna kami bising ;p haha! Well aku nda suka if ku nda tau, psal what if atu horror?? or boring?? which lagi teruk psal I'll have to suffer meliat jua, and rupanya yg the malay movie atu -_- 'Lagenda Budak Setan' eyh! Novel yg c Zati baca jua ne! =D

Well awal2 disappointed plg ku sdikit =p Psal I don't like these kind of movie and truth be told I rarely and mls kn watch them, but liatlh sja~ Kna lanja and akhirnya oklah jua~ Skalinya kluar cinema I saw someone familiar, c Aiman rupanya~ EH! Monday jua ne, bknya ada 'wah!~'

Dups2 tarus, haha! =p

Someone pushed aku, psal aku testuck =p haha! Well indalah~ Just tekajut, unexpected, and lagi ku tekajut when I found out all three of them liat movie lagi!! -_- Wth!?? I thought c Nad sja liat and I thought atu drg main2 sja and I thought atu ehhh gila apa???

Ok ada plg panic sdikit, psal takut nda bedngan since I thought jln2 sja and bila liat their tickets '2.55' cam gila!~ If aku join liat an hour later I'll have to meet with my class, kirakn cm I said I'll be there and '0=)' I will be there~ Seh, cm bnr ;) So testuck ku di ats men-decide apa kn dibuat, my plan yet again slalu slh ='( So liat jam, jam ku mati -_- Eyh gila apa kn unlucky jua =/ Almost 2~ So drg ok if aku slajur sma c leez, and I saw zaka and tnya ea c zayas nearby~

Drg hampir food court, so phew~ Snang cari, they want me to join liat movie at 2 plg supaya tarus krg, so said goodbye to them Syaf since drg kn makan, and the movie kn start in a few minutes and again aku nda ticket -_- gila ehh! Yg dtg, Leeza, Zayas, Zati, Qilah sja yg I saw. And Qilah pn nda ticket, so when me n leez line up ntuk bali aku nda mood brabis kn liat another movie and cm I figured one hour isn't so bad~

So I told them Leez n zayas I'll just meet them at 4 arh board shrek hampir tangga, and aku ne setai~ nda be hp, jam rusak mencari drg c Syaf~ Well ada plg ku msg and so tau plg drg dimana, since biasanya kami makan arh Ahan Thai. Masalahnya that time ada urg yg tau jln nya, and aku ikut2 sja, and now aku sorang2 -_-

So lupa jln mana hantam2 sja, lost skajap gnya akhirnya ikut animal instinct lurus jua tejumpa ngan drg =D At first kn ke cyber, but nda jadi sal ntah~ So hantar drg c Syaf ke cineplex, since rupanya laju msa begarak, kn pkul 3 dah~ Maybe after that if rajin bejln lagi lh ke sna balik, because ada one hour to spare before them Leez said we would meet -_-

But sdh hmpir tangga wow!~ Ada dia =D 'My cousin!' Adi kaka amoi lah~ Woohoo :D I forgot his name =p haha! Nda deh~ well ada plg ea, but I mean ada Zeerul duduk sorang2 =p loner~~ haha! Okay aku plg tu yg kn jadi loner krg ;p So rupanya his seat next to them Syaf, samalah~ mcm my last seat, F4 haha! Neway drg liat 'A-team' and ea suggest I buy another one sja and he'll exchange with his so I can sit ngan c Syaf and at 4 c syaf sruh kluar sja, but the ticket sold out~ =/

Kay sbar sja 0=) Told them to masuk, but instead one of them stayed to accompany me =') Sanggup sacrifice ticket A-team yg 'if $30 pn ada urg sanggup bali liat' ;) Well kes psal kna lanja plg tu =p At first guilty plg psal kacau plannya, but sruh masuk nda mau, and since balik2 kna mainkn last2 ... okay mseh jua guilty :D haha!! It was really unexpected, psal last time jumpa pn unexpected, Saturday few weeks ago pn sma jua, and few months ago pn all the things unexpected ;) Y'know y'know :D haha! Okay, cm ntah, pelik lah, unexpected sja in a good way =)

Akhirnya nda jua ada this 'at 4 meet at shriek' ane =/ sampai hbs urg yg mliat A-team kluar. Yth, sorry rul, menyusahkn kale =p But I really had a great time, and I appreciate what you did, thank you love =)

So last2 balik ikut Nadiah sja, and awal2 kami didpn mamanya dblakng, sdh kami dblakang mamanya ddpan, ulang-alik wah =p Bila balik c lating tekajut~ 'skjap jua' ea ckp aku balik =p haha! Wah~ knapa mau aku akhir lagi kali kah?? Ooo~ rupanya my dad baru jln kn ambil aku, but aku balik dah! =O

Yth~ my mum gtau my dad takut traffic since I told him hbs pkul 5, but I didn't tell him aku balik pkul 5 plg, just gtau the thing 'maybe' hbs pkul 5, psal at first I thought bth shopping yg 'nada' ane. So nasib jua baru jln, then my mum apa lagi minta tarus singgah balikn brg arh kdai arh bpa, slalu~

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