Banyak going on =p
This day is the day we have the sembahyang hajat, but syg =( I can't join in psal y'know~ Cuti -_- And most of the girls jua~ Yth c dee ksian, psal we were kinda late masuk and separated dngan zati, sar and some of them~ Yth ea sama kami yg inda dpt ane =p And ea first time chicken pox! Baru ane wah! But the teachers ckp awal2 inda contagious so okay~ Ea mls cuti =O Giler! Mun akuwah~ Ada kana bagi cuti dude! Relex wah ku dirumah :D
So yea~ Mcm she separated herself from the rest psal takut jua terjangkit krg~ Kesian usulnya =(

And Ka Zimah was there as well =p And krg asm! The first thing ea buat ambil duit ku kan -_- haha! Inda plg ku sdr~ Yth yg ea buat atu kale ;p Supaya warning sanang kena curi~ Or is it?? ;) Awuwah =p Sorry~ Nanti ku masukan duit dlm2 arh pocket sampai hancur ;) Aight~ aight~ :D
And Oh! I broke my kacamata AGAIN! :D
Psal dari Tasek Meradun tu yg celebrate bday nene =p I swear I didn't do anything! Psal aku berdiri wah then tergugur arh TILAM then tebuka ane wah the batang =p And mcm reaction ku 'oh~ okay :D' haha! =p
I mean prnah sudh~ And teruk-er lagi so mcm nada sja~ :D But when aku showed it to my mum cali~ ;p haha! Ea mcm nda pecaya wah~ Inda plg kena marah 0=) Bhapa plg~ Last time was even teruk-er and ea ktawa th plg yg aku mseh pkai =p And the last time it broke someone fixed it for me ;)
But this time pyh jumpa ='( So usai sendiri sja~ Mcm mesti kn ea yg mengusai ;p Nadawah~ And I need it for later jua psal that night jln sma the girls, so sungkai luar and sleepover at jagas-ghai~

This was the cebisan? The coating of the paperclip lh yg ku pkai to fix the kacamata ;p Oooo~ Dapat buat my name~ And for some reason the girls ckp lawa-er =p haha! So baik th tu patah lagi atu~ Cooler ;) Inda plg~ :D
So this day we the D&T people were supposed to hand in our work, but then ramai nda siap jua~ and as expected kena extend lagi~ Also, miss Izzy picked this day bagi class -_- I should't complain plg~ Psal to be honest our class surprisingly inda bnyak afternoon class for this year :D
I mention bio class because...

I found this arh one of the bench =D Cool2~ I wonder how long it took him/her to finish =p I think it was the year.... um =/ Year something yg use the first lab :D
So I went home early, I didn't bother staying long arh workshop psal worried rasaku -_- I mean I have to get ready with stuff and all~ Yth I decided to balik awal-er~ And peliknya bnyak the girls stay and bekumpul smua mcm ikut ddpan time balik? =p haha! Ntah~ But I know Leez and Dee ikut c jagas balik~ Then later c jagas tuition and then c gym ikut dtg kerumah nya, then ya balik tuition then I come to their place and pick them all up and meet zati arh gadong! Phew~ :D That was the plan lah~
So since it's also Mia's bday that day and time my dad's car ada she was there jua, aku tanya the girls if drg inda mind nyanyi bday song arh ea sincee ramai jua wah =) Skalinya smua mau~ So okay =D But c mia egooooo~ Buang kes wah anak ah -_- Adakh ea tanya2 benda lain th plg~ Boo~ =p Malu plg~ psal mengajut ;) Nah bday present mu :D Inda plg =p
Neway I was really tired psal the night before dari TM akhir tdor~ And I haven't told my mum psal plan kn tdor arh jagas~ And as it turns out rupanya my mum ane ke Limbang! =O So mcm canakn ku gtau ne -_- My dad ku gtau plg the day before ;p And ea mcm "bhapa? manasja kau lh~" :D Gpun I didn't lie when I said c jagas pnya house sunyi for that day psal bnyak belayar, it was only her, her mum and abgnya sma c juna~
So aku minta my dad gtaukn my mum earlier psal I was tired and sama jua my dad lupakn -_- Last2 my mum called~ And dari phone sja bpaku gtau~ Inda plg =p Aku overheard lah the discussion, my mum bagi Qs~ and bapa jawab~ qs~jawab~qs~jawab~ =p haha! Calilh~ And then part aku jln, since my mum dilimbang mseh takut ku ya cancelkn =/ But rupanya mcm biasa jua gnya~ :D
And I wanna play halo brabis and c jagas the only girl so far at that time yg minat halo jua so aku plan kn bwa xbox360 :D And aku tanya abg mcm dptkh inda ah?~ Skalinya ya suruh! =D Wooh! Lucky eyh that day =)
But masalahnya kaka balik kraja dari rizqun awal-er than the time yg drg plan mau ke gadong -_- And I wanted to come early ke sana but drg nda mau so mcm eh -_- Paksa sruh kaka tunggu sana and aku msg c leeza nada bbls kn~ Sakit hati eh -_- I know plg nada credit but yg lain dpt jua msgkn, mnaku ada their number =/ So mcm lbh 30mis kakaku kn menuggu peduli eyh~ Marah sja ya krg, so psal nda bbls ambil sja th kamu awal -_-
And luckily smua siap sdh~ Gnya c jagas balum dtg dari tutionnya!! =O Gila menuggu atu wah nerve wrecking, psal mcm kakaku ane inda suka waiting brabis and mcm ya ngaleh kraja awal balik akhir =/ But naseb jua nda bth bnar =/ So went gadong and my sis nmpak drg ramai, aku lepas lah :D Psal mnaya mau mrh arh ku if ada urg tu =p
Sorry girls aku stress msatu~ Siapa jua inda, mcm rushing wah and bnyak kn difikirkn =(
Neway jumpa zati and then went to Ahai Thai =) Initially I booked for 10~ But ada yg inda dpt so 6 gnya~ But aku biarkn 7, in case ada yg jadi ikut last minute :)
My name kena slh kena spell =p Aku expect plg tu~ But I expected 'Diyana' psal ntah~ Slalu urg ingat atu =p Rupanya 'Liana'~ Not bad jua the person yg aku call atu~ Tajam-er apa ya dngar ;p Jersey ppp ku pun kna slh misspell mcm atu -_-
I got my BMTC! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Made my night ;) haha!!
But I was a bit disappointed psal drg kn bgambar and mcm bnyak delays menungu -_- So mcm plans pn hancur~ I wanted to browse the area yg kdai luar mall =( Sampat plg~ Satu gnya =/ Bli necklace ntuk c mia :) Sokay~ Maybe next time =') Inda plg aku membli =p I just like to see stuff yg drg ada, some shops ada some cool items y'know ;) And I usually get these lil things and modify them :)
Went home late, for them plg~ =p It was earlier than I expected~ 9.30pm I think :D Abg c jagas ambil~ Then played with drg pnya topis :D Psal pelik2~ So menyakai lah :D I was the last one to sleep~ Around 2 kale, me and jagas wanted to watch a movie, but since the rest mls dirumah sja~ We watched 'How to train a dragon' =') Siuk!
One-by-one drg ttdor while watching~ Aku liat sampai habislah! =D Menangis lagitu =p haha! Nadawah~ kalee ;p So since abg c jagas still main the Ps3 dibwah, kami cancel plan main halo, and main atu later sja after sahor~ Which we did~ And it was FUN! ='D
It's also the 3rd Monthsary~ :) But the emo-boy arh india~ Makan arh bombay~ =p Someday we'll meet =') Seh! haha!
Mbah! Panjang =O Bye!
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