I just found out about this so I don't really know much about it =p All I know is this a British comedy with the same 2 actors playing different characters lh :D Well most of it~
This is Vicky Pollard~Ya cakap gila lajuuuu lah! :D And british th lagi yth mental kn fahamkn wah~ Jgn plg~ =p Usually ada arh comments people provide subtitle ;p Or prasan pham sja kah atu ok jua ;) I watched her/him lh yg paling bnyak =p haha! Ntah~ Psal the other night I was trying to annoy c Mia and ckp laju cematu which to my amazement I could sdikit =O But repeating plg~
"Kau ane ah Mia, cubatah if main game atu jgnth bising, kau tau if main game atu jari sja begarak arh controller atu ane lidah mu ikut th jua bemain kn becakap padahal kita main game yg memerlukan jari saja untuk mengontrol controller psal ea cntroller yg diperlukan jari untuk dicontrol yath ertinya mulut tidak diperlukan untuk mengontrol controller psal jari sja dah yth kalau buleh jgn th becakap psal memang mulut atu tidak diperlukan kerana kita hanya perlu menggunakan......kenapa kau bising ane kn mia nda kau nampak kami nkn main game sja kah...."
C Mia inda plg bising banarnya =p Haha! Cematulah~ =p but krg asm tutup nya telinga but senyum2~ Wooo apath tu? Fail eyh urg kn mrh ah ;p Then yg calinya abg masuk and aku diam tarus =p Psal malulah~ And then ntah apa kh yg abg suruh Mia ambil sdh kna bagi ea sama jua ikut-ikutan! HAHA! Cawir eyh! Laju sdh tu apa ya ckp but inda make sense =p Slow-er plg! Haha!! Pastu c Mia ntah ngapa ya kn act marah2 ane nda tahan ketawakannya th jua ;p
Then we played halo all night 0:D
Andy and Lou! Bida eyh -_- haha! =p I didn't watch this much psal ngaleh dah :D Andy is yg supposed to be lumpuh but eksen2 inda, and Lou is the one yg always kan help c Andy but inda tau about him faking. Yg jahatnya c Andy ane jahat! ;D Psal ea jahat lah~ Mcm sengaja menyusahkn lagi~
Maggie and Judy I think? Not sure which is which but this one membarigali =p Psal mcm if c Vicky she talks too fast and always out of topic, c andy & lou psal lumpuh but ane yg the left one always vomits in any sketch scene ={
There's a lot more apparently, but I don't know the characters~ Might get this show myself later, mls kn cari or download now =p Youtube sanang~
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