Oh! It was late night~ Not that late~ Ka amoi's mum called kn raya at our house so we waited for them psal mum was all ready kn panyap kuih -_- Neway, when ada this car parked dpn I told mum drg dtg~
Mum: Brapa buah drg?
The 3rd daughter of mum: Sebuah jua sja tu
Mum: Sebuah saja kh?
Me: Awu~ Eh! Dua buah bo~
Mum: Ah dua buah kh?
Me: Awu dua ganya
Mia: Mnada~ Tiga buah jua tu
Me: Ah! Mana? Ada lagikn?
Mia: Tu sana~
Me: Owh~ Awu bo tiga buah
Mum: Waduh! Tiga buah!?

HAHA! =p I thought that was funny~ But then buka pintu~ about 8 people jua ganya~ Cheh~ Suspend banar ;p Rupanya the other two cars boyfriend ka moi and jibah's yg drive~ Hila!~ They both looked so 'mature-er' and ka moi mcm 'cina-er' =p Jibah if I'm not mistaken is a year+ older than me. When mum asked mama ka moi siapa drive the other cars, reaction muka nya cali mcm 'siapa lagi~' but she did say that: "Siapa lagi if bukan boy-boy durang" I think ;p
It was weird~ Mcm I feel like a little kid around them =/ Psal they acted so entah!~ Mcm bsar banar dah wah ='( Gila!~
Oh well~ Enjoy your life while you're still a kid, you're only a kid once right? :D
Do I even still look like a kid? =p Ntah~ I feel like one around my cousins nowadays~ Arh my mum's mostly kids~ Yg inda kids they're all boys~ Unless ada tua Miam :) Which is sometimes pyh~ Drg adi-beradi rapat usulnya and it takes some time for me to readjust kn ckp sma drg =p My father's side~ Hila ane all kids banar -_- Inda plg~ =p My father's side is kinda complicated aku kn faham, I want to know the story plg but malu kn tanya~ They probably expect me to know sdh~ =p
All I know is that my dad has two brothers, he's the eldest~ Their mom passed away when they were young I think psal I remembered my mum telling me yg this women asuh my dad time ea damit and dad always tell me dulu2 rajin2 th blajar~ Psal time ea damit he never go out or ikut his dad jln2 sja~ then ended up dpt blajar di luar =O
So yg all kids ane arh adi-beradi tiri nya plg =p I'm not saying complicated inda rapat relationship eyh! Maybe a bit awkward~ =p If dipikirkn I'm more closer to yg my dad's youngest bro pnya daughter~ Dude! Drg dua ane mcm clones ne! ;p haha!! Even dua2 ada misai! Attitude sja lain~ Wait, I think ada jualh sma, yg main tangguh2 ;p
So angah yusof yg the 3rd bro, her daughter yg closest umurnya with me c atik~ Gila yoh! -_- How they think is so grown up wah! ='( I feel left behind~ Time raya at their place I wanted to borrow her chem notes, she's an express student btw =p I mean her mum makes sure drg belajar and all if exam apa~ And her dad always compare us both~ Neway! You know what we talked about?? Studies!!! Career! and Scholarship! =O I know nothing about it ;p haha!! Gila mcm I seriously feel like I should catch up with my cousins~ Mcm act how they act?? =p
Ntah eyh! =p
And speaking of my dad's bro, angah roslan, the 2nd =O Ok I forgot this year is their first year raya-ing without a mother/wife =( She passed away last year (bless her) because of diabetes, she didn't want her legs to be amputated and she didn't survive~ It was sad, because nene laki cried about it psal it reminded him of dad's mum jua..... so I have lots to churchat about this but then I would go out topic ;p
Neway the mum was a good women, psal ea slalu asuh kids I think =) but they have 3 daughters~ And to prove that my cousins ane mcm is growing up too fast~ 2 of the eldest beraya-ed with their bf arh angah yusof, and from what I head dari c atik drg kn planning kn bekawin!!! WTH! =O =O =O
You guys are young!! =O
Forgive me if I'm being judgmental~ Ok I'm actually not that close with them, walaupun first cousin but I rarely see them or talk to them~ But mcm ntah eyh~ Lain rasanya wah =( Something is bothering me and let me say that I shall keep this something to myself ;p
Oooh~ I wanted to ask my dad about this but I ALWAYS forgot~ The 3 brothers, dad, angah roslan and yusuf all ada daughters kan~ Don't know =p Well I just told you~ So the first daughter namanya Amal wah! For all three =p And we all call three of them by the name'Amal' jua ;D haha!! It's so confusing plg~ But we rarely get all 3 amals at one place :D

And congratulations to Najib! But Wth dude!! =O Ntah eh~ Congrats~ Congrats~ ;p If I'm not mistaken you got 9Os for your Olvls and all As and lots of this * thing? :D That's suppose to mean really outstanding right? Yea... again wth? =O Mcm hila! It really took me by surprise I mean one, I thought Olvl kluar dah then mum reminded me ea JIS and second mcm we both fooled around when we were kids so mcm aku ada this impression yg kau bkn geeky person =p Well you don't look like one -_- And he's also way mature sdh usulnya ='(
Lesson of the day dude =p My cousins are all geared up for their future and I'm still goofing around playing with ma halo~~ halo~~ 0=) haha! Ntah! Imma study tomorrow lah :D
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