Amit Siti did a surprise cake appearance from the back kitchen door after sungkai while nene was just sitting around. Not all of us knew at first tho, we really thought she was gonna go out and sungkai luar with her husband and Adwan. And I overheard nene laki asked amit Disdy, her husband, where they were planning to go, but mcm he was like, 'adaler'~ And buang kes =p

So as it turns out, it was actually a plan, I'm not sure but I think during sungkai, while we were eating and all, they went out and got the cake =) It was kinda funny, psal nene mcm hiding, inda plg~ But we couldn't find her at first~ Pindah2~ Rupanya hampir =O Nasib jua inda spoil :D

Mia got her chance to potong the cake jua~ Psal it's her birthday tomorrow =) Lucky wah ya ne -_- I mean asai gave her 'Ka-chinng$' as a gift~ I think last year jua~ So jadi yearly th ne ya kna bagi cemani~ Wahh~ Psal mcm everytime ada urg ckp, 'eyh esuk c Mia lagi ne' so ada cia yg 'ah, yakah~ Nah $10' =O
Nah~ As quoted by her
"left to right: my usu rafi, my handsome nene laki, my nene bini, and my amit erol"
And that night was kinda interesting =) Adwan had his first taste makan cake =O And his mom and dad inda lagi tau tu =p Psal it was bungsu yg cuba bagi makan~ Nene was there so mcm inda as jahat-er jua tu ;) Psal nene inda jua melarang :D So calilh~ It was my first time seeing a kid so hyper psal cake =p

And he's still a baby, I don't think he's even 1 yet~ So mcm awl2 he was looking at everyone with this paper plate dngan cake yth bungsu kesiankn bagi dikit~ Then gila!! Ea ktawa wah, lumpat2 and mcm senyum2 brabis =O Mcm it was really funny~ Then sudah habis the cake dlm mulutnya ea stay still -_- And mcm liat the cake brabis, then mcm tunjuk2~ If nda kena layan mcm ea beteriak and mrh =p Pelik!! I mean baby wah tu~ Pandai jua sdh kn tau apa nyaman =p

And I don't think a lot of people know~ But I don't eat birthday cake much :) I rarely do~ I know it's nyaman but mcm ehh... I don't hate cakes, love em! =D Esp how they were decorated and mcm lawalh~ =') I still wish I could work at a bakery or something :)
And Ooo~ I just noticed recently, it's actually 'nini' not 'nene' =p But me and my sis, and I dunno if it's the same for some others, but we both use that spelling, you know~ With an 'e' :p Not that it matters, well I just found out =p I guess it's because we always call her by 'ne' so when we use it fully we automatically double it~ so nene =D Does that make sense at all? No? =p
Ok the end! :)
Wait~ Another quote!
"my nene, hajah raden wiano sastra wijaya. we will always love you!"
Ok =)
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