Wah~ Tua ko sdh lating =p 2 digit numbers dah ne ;)
Anyway I wasn't home during her birthday~ Kesian plg, psal she was like "aww kaka jlnkah =("
Sorry :)
Out of all 4 of us, or all of us in fact, in the family lah~ She is the least ego when it comes to saying what she feels~ Because ntah ah~ Mcm our family inda plg inda rapat, but inda jua rapat-er mcm uhm... ntah =p But mcm we tend to not tell some stuff and mcm awkward sdikit when ada stuff...... blah! :D Ntah~ Pokoknya to show our emotion atu pelik rasanya =p
So yea, the way each of us show that we care mcm payah2an lh cematu =p But c Mia inda so mcm Oooo~ Ada one day we were home alone, mcm our house sunyi slalu and it was just me and her~ So we got bored and main2 lah and it was actually fun~ And then macam tarus2 ea hug and I was mcm wookayy~ How should I react? =p So Aku mcm 'Bhapa kan kau ane Mia?' and mcm smoothly pushed her but inda jua kuat menulak ane =p
Then mcm ea........ ok fine~ Mcm she said something sweet lah =') And aku mcm malu and inda tau cna kn cakap so mcm 'antah kau eh' =p Mcm I don't know knapa aku kn show mcm mrh th plg but then mcm senyum2~ But I think she knew psal ea senyum th jua =p Pelik!!
I think I overused the word 'mcm' eyh disini =p
But actually aku ksian kn ea ane jua =p I mean mcm as it goes down, dari my brother, my sister, me then her. Mcm our parents inda lagi brapa outgoing~ And at least during our childhood kami smua damit2 mseh so it was fun, playing outside and all~ Jerudong park was more fun back then and we spent more time together dari main games or busy with work and all.
But now mcm we have our own room, school, work and mcm busy sja~ yth ksian plg ku =p I mean ntah~ Nanti th ku bawa travel the world :) Seh! That was my dream kali tu ah ;) And still is :)
But mcm yg paling siuk my brother lah~ And sister, they both were born in the UK and mcm main snow and all, except my sis kale psal ea kna bwa Brunei I think~ So I was the first child to be born in Brunei~ :) Then Mia~
And now she's all grown up~ And I don't know =p I feel as if I owe her something as her sister and I don't know what~ I got the girls together at school and sang a birthday song for her before naik kreta and mcm then ea ego -_- I dunno, I guess ea ane opposite~ Arh urg lain th plg ego~
Happy Birthday =)

This was last year photos and it was kinda emotional for some reason =/ I don't remember~ But my mum lah tu yg start nangis then c mia =p Ntah~ But pokoknya she wanted this game, yg NDS ah~ mcm balik2 dah ya mau~ And akhirnya we got her one for her birthday which was last year~
But~ Abg pnya idea kami buat prank ;p
We did got her Nds, but kami kluarkn the game then lapis the box sja ;p haha! Jahat plg~ but mcm ntah =p So ea happy2 lah mcm tau sdh apa~ Then kosong =p haha!! Gila! Jahat lah abg psal ea mcm ckp, "Nah~ Happy birthday, kami balikan kau kutaknya sja ok dah tu" =p
So yea, she's actually kinda lucky jua~ The year before she wanted a bicycle jua and tapuk2 kami got her one as well :) See how nice we are ;) Well parents ku plg tu, and my brother lah yg did most of the job =p
Wahhh~ Gila kalee, mengenang banar jua aku ane =p Mbah! Adang!~ Inda jua kena baca ne =p The end sja ;) Bye2~
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