Main ntah dari pukul brapa till just now psal I told bro aku kn naik, then last one game, hbs then last lagi, hbs mbah last last lagi~ Ntah!~ Banyak lah lastnya :D
The triplets pn main jua psal td drg raya, pyh kn persuade main psal sorang2 ckp kn liat -_- I was confused siapa2~ =p haha! So time drg balik baruth ku tanya c mia siapa c ali, sani or c amir? Psal ea tau~ Apa jua ganya sbalah rumah~ But nda jua ku hafal =p
The real last game was gila fuun!! Kami main yg mcm biasa, slayer. Played 20mins game with random weapons! Wooh! well 2 rounds plg tu :D Gila! Was so lucky time last round =p And I got to train dngan the abilities :D
That was the mark :) 2nd yoh! First round abg somehow managed to beat me time the last 10 secs -_- Padahal leading wah ku ='( Sokay~ At least Mia and kawanya kana =p

And rupanya abg inda tau we can assassinate org dari belakang slma ane =p Well pyh plg~ Mesti lurus2 urg atu nda sdr or apa then auto when melee :D

And mcm makin lama makin lama sorang2 berabut kn plasma sword ah =p Inda atu yg hammer -_- Psal bejumpa sja arh the location~ yth baik th close combat~
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