I want this!! :D
Well not exactly that~ I mean I just wanna skate!!~ I don't mind how the design would look like (Don't take that seriously) =p
I asked my brother if he can buy one for me 0=) and he stays quiet! =O That my friend~ is a good sign coming from him ;) haha! Because usually he would have something bad to say about what I want, mcm last time I want a tin whistle and he said atu panggil y'know2~ Then ntah... point is when he starts talking mcm "oww mbah~ jgnth~ -_- "
I rarely ask him to buy me stuff anyway =p Only jokingly~ but mcm ntah~ peliknya he didn't argue at all ah =D Of course aku tanya sja2 plg 0=) Then ea tanya "brapa harganya?" and I answered "maybe around $100?" psal I really don't know :D Then I forgot~ pokoknya I was smiling~ ;p
I'm saving money to buy this plg jua :D So far so good~ No other temptations ;) To be honest I don't think I'm gonna let him pay for it anyway =p Sja tanya mnatau ada luck, turns out ok2 aja =D So maybe if bnar2 ea jadi Imma pay half of it ;) Or 1/3 of the price~ Or just $10? :D LALALA~

1) I don't know how to skate
2) I don't know where to skate
3) I know nothing about skating
4) I just feel like skating!
You want kuih roll? I want ROLLer skates! :D
Bye! =D
And oh...! Azee'roll'! :D
Ok adang~
Inda cali =p
Awwu~ Mbah bye!~
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