Sunday, June 27, 2010

When you grow up

I woke up early today at 6-ish maybe, tebangun plg tu by this someone yg kn jln~ inda guilty? ;p Haha, okay slalu plg tu sngaja set the volume high-ish spya tebangun if ada papa :D But smalam nda ku sdr bila ku ttdor ;p Sorry, sorry 0=) Chatted for awhile and was planning on going back to sleep after si dia jln kn ke miri, but I was already wide awake :) Psal bnyak senyum atu kali ;p haha! Wahh~ cool tu, if dlm class senyum2 th sja, tebangun tarus ne ;D

So since awal mseh and sunyi jua, buang masa saja buka my empire arh fb~ Then I saw arh news feed yg kaka crita yesterday and something yg aku expect sdh ;p

Firstly, aku cool kaliah, bebuka air-con ne~ Kaka tu yg the 'uncool' one psal sendiri mengakun =p Secondly~ seeeeee, I knew this would happen, since before aku post about the fb thing udah. Thirdly, wondering plg ku why Mia didn't ask me since normally she would, not that I would make her one plg =p ...wait, I think prnah plg kali ea tanya minta buatkn blik2 but aku nda sruh ;p psal atu kali ea nda aga aku lagi haha!

Okay fine, jhat plg kami sikit tu psal like she said 'kawanya yg lain kononya semua sdh ada lah' and my cousins pn ada plg jua the ones yg younger than Mia, and she did told us ea mau ntuk main game sja -_-

Main game, main game~ Dirumah bnyak macam dh bebali kaliah~ Aku befb lagi baru last year, pkai internet lagi kaka baru blajar time form 1, atu pn first try cuba google 'keane' cna usul drg ;p since time kaka dngar damit2 tau suara sja nda tau usul, jgnth lagi yg umur balum ada 2 digit number~

Okay..... nahhh aut cia sdh ;p

Neway, not that we don't want her kn bfb...nvmind, actually we do 'don't' want her to have one =p -yet- Kay~ kay~ Gpun cawir2 ahhhhhhhh membca some yg 'inda patut ada yet' but ada atu pnya fb, gila~~~~ apakh reaction ku if Mia was like that =O

But apart from that krg cam add2 random people if bahaya cana?? Okay so my parents don't actually know this kind of stuff, especially mum, she don't really understands how fb works etc, and knowing my parents they're not really that... how do I say, menghalang our decision?? I dunno, but they rarely do, I mean if we want to do something (yg bkn jahat) normally they won't stop us and say it's our choice and bagi nasihat sja.

And mnatau if Mia gtau my mum ea mau fb, my mum would think that as something new for her, something 'new to learn', something 'new to try', something that all teens buat and cm growing up sdh Mia ane, and my mum suruh? Ok cali plg tu =p Since my mum ane nda plg tau kn fb, but the point is kirakn kami th mengabil alih when it comes to this part jadi parents~ 0=) Sehhhh~ mihir jua ah bunyinya =p

And gpun pelik tu if bnar2 c apik, our neighbor/cousin/geng c mia yg slalu kna buli ane bwall ngan ea ;p okay kakanya c fyqa lagi nda nyuruh, see knkn, we're good sisters kali er~ 0=)

Nanti th sdh kau bsar or kau tagih lagi psal kau pandai sdh pkai internet then tebaca cia dsini but if catu pandai th sdh sendiri bfb tu and probably aku stalk kau, jgn kau skati2 kn bkawan or jadi poklen, dngar tu mia ;(

P/s- Apparently I'm not the only one who use 'krg asm' kaliah =p

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