I've been addicted to her song 'Flawz' since last year I think, one of my many favs :D First listened to her during this time last year, June-ish lah~ Which is kinda weird psal mcm memanggil2 kn ea sruh dngar her other songs time sama lagi tu, and I did actually, early this year, sja2~ but baru tadi another song of her stuck in my head =D
I don't really know who she is, psal nda brapa famous hence nda bnyak info/songs, but lawa2 lagunya lah bagi ku =) And cam I like her style pnya music, and attitude nya cm how looks isn't everything and just so proud of diri sendiri as it is and cam ntah awesome lah! Lyricsnya lagi pelik, cam ntah ;D Nantith cari lagi lagunya =)

"So save the plastic for the toys," haha! I find this line cali :D
About plastic surgery kalee~
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