Some of my songs dlm playlist hilang ='( Tadi all of a sudden my brain play all these songs yg lama dh ku nda dngr, old favs lah~ Then ku check nada arh my iTunes =/ Teseliur eyh! And am now mengusahakn mendownload lagi semula =)
'Unwell' is one of my fav songs from this band and also one of the songs yg menarus kna play in my head, but hilang arh playlist ane wah ='( Luckily mseh ada arh ipod =) I think I should download all their songs, I mean I grow up listening to 'few' of their songs and I really like it, so why not kn? Mbah~ nantith if rajin =p
Pretty much I wasted my time sleeping today -_- Annoying! Padahal kemarin puas dh tdor ='( Actually I woke up early at 6-ish plg td, then I dunno I guess I fell asleep again =/ I wasn't tired! I dunno why ku sambung tdor until pkul 3 lagitu! Yesterday pyh2an kn tdor padahal mengantuk now cm sanang kn ttdor ='(
Since it's late already the plan to clean up my room inda menjadi. Tomorrow sja lah, maybe. Went down td rupanya ada ka Marha and abg Shahrul~ long time no see =D Kn bwa match halo td mls jua, since ka Marha ada biar cia ea sma my abg. Next time sja, hopefully soon, I guess sma Azri & Aqil kale next week, mencari urg jua kami ne since kalimuan dh lawan each other.

Didn't do much today, atupn psal aku baru bangun for 5+ hrs? Sdg, catulh =/ Redecorated my empire, didn't really 'decorate' it, I just placed the buildings closer so there would be more land :D The rest of the time I surfed the net~ Woohoo~ The waves are nice, inda slow =D Except for youtube, still dunno what's wrong with it.
I found this cool website! Addicted sdh~ click
Stumble~ stumble~ stumble~ Well I just tried this website for an hour, and so far I really like it, they basically go through random sites based on our likes and it's really cool. Might post some that really intrigues me =D
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