Last 2 years ago screen laptop abg cracked time ku pkai...
Then last year keyboard laptop ku inda functioning well...
Then my screen laptop cracked a day before raya...
Then after months behantar ke singapore the screen baik =D
Then the keyboard laptopku balik inda mau function...
Then somewhere this year my bro pnya charger rusak...
Then my charger rusak...
Then my new charger rusak...
Sedih~ Malangnya nasib ='( sabar sja~ Baru laptop related tu, alum lagi yg lain2 =/ Anyway I'm a bit frustrated with all that, since this all happened during bnyak project skulah kna bagi. My mum kept on telling me to buy a new one, but mls~ and I don't wanna waste my money until it's completely beyond repair-'sendiri' :D
So my original charger wouldn't light up in any way, I assumed there's no current flowing =( so my bro bought me a new one :D but apparently it won't fit -_- and sometimes if pajal ada sparks and stuff =p Since inda fit kdang2 inda th connected to my laptop, yth pandai2 plg usai. It all went well until luan panas then the one yg suppose to protect and cover the basi melted =( And when I got back last Friday, kluar tanduk ah =/
Jahat eyh!! Macam sengaja saja ='(
Had one of the best Friday that day, so I didn't really mind about it at first ;) Then I realized the battery won't charge on its own, and mseh holiday ='( So baruth kn desperate mengusai akhirnya~ Stressing gila!!~ Mesti at certain angle ah baru mau, atu pun after I fixed the tanduk supaya masuk and connected blahblah ;(
First try... lasted for awhile, had to constantly change the tape tho =/
Second try... same thing, had to add few more because it just won't stick
Third try, the last 2 won't work again, had to replace the tape... then added a new layer, then another layer~ lalala~ okay a lot of my mum's tape were wasted I guess 0=)
Then Monday the last thing I wanted to happen... well... 'terjadi' ='(
Seperated ah!!! Gila mental eyh -_- membali th lagi ne ='(
But then nasib jua ada org atu setau2 kn mengusai ;p and suggested that might as well combine the two charger since the ori one baik yg dpn nya :D So I did =) well he did... and it worked!! =D

So kesimpulannya, proved them wrong yg ane bleh usai :D Siapa ckp inda bleh ah =p And it's all thanks to him now baik =)

-The end-
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