Kalee...haha! Psal kaka knocked on my door at 8 td, but somehow I fell asleep balik :D So kirakan 1/2 inda sengaja knkn ;) And I just recently woke up! So indalh tu~ But my mum ane inda th jua nyuruh bangunkn lagi, kna bagi 'the look' th lagi ne dari bpa ;p
The reason I probably didn't get up earlier was probably because ku ada mimpi smula, inda plg meminta since y'know, considering most of it this year bad dreams sja ='( One that scared me most I didn't tell anyone except Gym and Leez, and that was last month.
But I kinda like this one =) Like most dreams inda logic, haha! But aku cool sini, jadi me-rebel sja and cali lah~ I remember most of it, and it's a bit weird and sad jua, psal ada this one scene my mum jadi pengurus of something and all her bro&sis ada and all duduk arh living room rmah nene, but then aku sma my aunt di luar, we had a fight lh konon.
I asked her about this someone yg aku rapat from the earlier part of the dream, psal I couldn't find ea ;) then my aunt cm biasa protective lh, since ea slalu manjakn kami dlu, but then jadi meaner wh comments nya ane and marah lh ku. I can't remember the one phrase yg buat aku mrh atu, but yg calinya my aunt lari duduk sbalah my mom tarus and I barge in in the middle of the something =p (Ooo~ brave) and mengacau lh, beteriak psal that one phrase and said stuff pastu aku lari kluar =p Literally ada xtra speed ;) Then my uncle bubut but ea mcm freeze arh the door.
And the scene gets weirder and aku alone ='( haha! but I'm not saying it's cool plg rebel2 ane but time atu cam drg inda logic, and cam mean and inda care, yth~ =p
Last year was the worst I think, I remember when I kinda stayed up most of the night in this one month just to escape the possibilities of having any dreams, yth pyh =p haha! Psal skulah and sorang2 lagi since smua asleep sdh unless abg balik rumah aher2 atu. Cali eyh, sanggup ane wah haha!!
Right now okay plg sdh 0=) and I woke up tadi kna greet with this msn msg from Irfan, -_- krg asm!! 'Pemalas' ane wh the first word dibuatnya =p And I didn't get to greet zeerul good luck, since aher bangun =/

"Things that you hit will come back hitting you"? haha!! =D Neway good luck =) It's a bit late but still good luck! =) Good luck for tomorrow as well
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