I finally managed to watch this movie after it's been in the house for how long =p Ketinggalan eyh~ Urg lama dh liat :D Oh well~ it's worth the wait, or in my case worth the delay =p
The cerita nya very lah awesome!! =) Puas hati just watching it ;) Well sadang~ ='( Pasal I don't want it to end, and gpun endingnya cam aiii~ ;D Cool plg endingnya, cam drg leave it to that sja =)
The dude yg blakon, lead actor ah~ Cam Hugh Laurie + Richard Hughes mukanya =O haha!! And ada sometimes mukanya cam marijap skit haha!! But gila talented lah ea =D Lagunya lawa2 berabis! Soundtracks nya cam Oooo~ menangis saja sayee dibuatnya :D
-Falling slowly
-If you want me
-Broken hearted hoover fixer sucker guy
-When your mind's made up
-The hill
-Fallen from the sky
-Trying to pull myself away
-All the way down
-Say it to me now
-And the healing has begun
-Into the mystic
Again soundtrack nya lawa2~ =D But I like yg falling slowly berabislah =p Well dngar plg lagu ne dah dari Ipod slama ane, since kna upload dh ulh abg ;p Still lawa~ yth tepakai balik smula haha!! And ada some lagunya short plg sja, cam gold, cool-cool =D
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