I just realized, rupanya aku ane muda, psal my lil cousins ane lagi tua wah dari aku cam Ooooo! Siuk jua tu! Haha!! Pasal aku dulu lahir dari drg but then I'm younger than them?? Wth! Kes kn buat fb wah drg ane xD
I don't know why drg buat fb, for yg umurnya mseh under 10 atu, but I guess ya kn play games sja kalee since Mia kept of nagging me to make her one as well, but NO! Kesian plg ea, psal balik2 c lating watch me play and mcm biasa aku ane kdg2 control freak jua lah sdikit when it comes to games, my profile=usahaku sendiri 100% unless pyh or mls :D
But sometimes I let her play lah, kesian jua 0=) I didn't tell her about cousins ku yg damit2 ane be-fb, since she'll say it's unfair and lagipun she's elder than them. Kaka pn tau, but I told her not to tell =p Ooo~ cam in charge rasanya ;) Not that I'm mean to her, ummm... maybe a little but I don't want her to be influenced and lagipun what if ada stranger kacau ea or what if ea engrossed smpai lupakn buat kraja, like me haha!! And what if ada 'words' or stuff yg inda baik,and ada pages yg cm again~ 'inda baik'
Expose~ Expose~

Talking bout stuff like these in fb, I was in the mood to google it =p and some I find quite funny and below are the ones that really cracked 'me' up =p So not sure if it's the same for everyone haha!!
The last guy is kinda mean in this one, I mean they're so sweet =') but awu annoying plg jua =p
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