Had practice today from 8.30-11, well it's supposed to start at 8.30 but I was late =p Sorryyyyyy Ka Zie! 0=) Atupun psal kena msg slh venue =p
I woke up around 6 actually but since it was still early and lalah mseh from the day before sambung Zzzzz then 7~ Owh 5 mins lagi~ 7.50~ 10 seconds.... ada bunyi 8.50! =O AIYOO! Rush here there, baruth kan mencari brg as usual ;) then jln! I thought aku yg paling akhir. but then awu plg yg plg akhir but I mean there were only 6 of us ='( And mcm was expecting ada someone dtg akhir lagi, at least betambah jua kn =)
Finished the dance today! Well for my part lah, really glad about it, but wasn't really doing it properly today psal sakit badan!! =p But yesterday's game was really worthed!! =') Kinda disappointed not all siputs came =( Sokay~ Aku mseh marah, don't worry ;) haha! Nadawah~ Expected plg sdh tu yg nda dpt dtg atu, but I really hope the whole team nanti main pleaseeee ='(
Also thanks to Ka Zie, Ka Lilah, Zahir, Mimin and Kam for joining that day :D Fun2~ Nantith review kalee~ Like Ali did for our class after every match they had =D Baruya news report! Nda plg pham tu kale =p Nantith explain~
Balik rumah kaka cooked some food, so yea! :D Mum asked me if aku mau ikut ke TM arh nene so aku 'mnasja' kn since entah~ Psal mnasaja lh =D then ttdor again! Around 1.30 mum woke me up psal we have to jln awal hantar kaka kraja then baru ke TM, ...rupanya inda~
Went to Hua Ho Bunut? To do some grocery shopping dulu~ Ok ane siuk =p I mean I didn't bring any money but dapat beli some stuff! :D Haha!! Ok usually I pay for my stuff since kami adi-beradi pretty much berdikari sendiri2~ But since aku jrg request belikn brg, tadi mum mcm "Ane inda kau mau, tu bali th untuk bwa skulah......" :D Haha!!
Indalah ku ambil advantage of it of course~ Guilty ada plg -_- So aku beli foods sja~ Y'know2~ Baik hati sikit 0=p Inda plg~
After helping mum with the shopping baru th ke TM~ Nasrul, Hasya and Danial was there, them 3 are bro&sis and pretty much rapat lah~ But bagiku mcm pyh kn bwa main psal atu -_- and Adwan pun ada! :D
I actually don't know how to deal with kids~ After 16 years baruth first time aku mengangkat a baby! :D And it was Adwan~ And that was this year =)

Ok! Jadi babysitter kan aku today =p
My cousins are mostly damit2 mseh~ The eldest is actually my brother, then my sis, Najib then me out of the cucus!~ And that sounded funny~ =p The rest under 15 years old, but if I include family Tua Miam then I'm the 8th eldest, bro still in the lead~

Since Adwan can walk now so gila~ Mengaleh! Well awu plg wahhhh!~ ='D pandai jln dah but then after some time bubut2 atu aiyoo =/ He was so active time tadi and every time bwa masuk menangis psal kn join them Mia and Nasrul play outside~ So paksa bwa luar, nene laki gave drg this colored chalk yg for marking kain, so habis lantai belukis~

Then after all that masuk :D

...and now jadi pengurut =p I don't actually like to urut psal mengaleh, and honestly c Mia plg handal mengurut2 org but this is for my nene~ Only exception ;)
Was kinda worried actually, since while aku mengurut mcm kaki nene is getting worst =( I mean merisaukn lah~ And she just got out of the hospital last week, balik2 kn this year ='( But she seemed ok tadi =) And was happy that we came, and mum ckp tadi that she might tdor sana for some time to help things out, wah~ I mean usually it's me and my sis sja dari dulu, my mum jrg kn tdor sna since she still have to take care of stuff dirumah then baruth ksana.
I think Imma wait for my sister dulu and baruth join her when ea tdor sana next month :)

Baru ku tebaca ne~ Cool2 =O I think ane c Adwan pnya nene yg belikan, that's his name jua actually, Adwan Rayyan, first cucu of the family, wah~ kena manjai bnar..
Went home after 6 I think, but then singgah jua lagikn ke kdai~ =( Was so tired...
Anyway, while my mum pilih kain itu ini aku jln2 sja~ Then I saw ada this typo =p
Tsktsk~ Bukan nya "today"? I think that's the name of the kain plg =p But was so bored and jobless hantam sja tah for the sake of entertaining diri sendiri =p
Woohoo! Cool2~ Ada jua kain named after me =') But why is it that cheap?? ='(
Twice actually I found this "cool-named-kain" so okaylah~ At least famous ;)
This is for you ;) Inda dpt space, so zero sja =)
Blalalala!! So long eyh this post I didn't realized =p Mbh!
The end!
Nadawah~ :D
But seriously hbs plg dah~ Lpas atu we all balik rumah and I saw a unicorn, leprecon, Mr Bean, barney, Jessica Alba and Love Hewitt... lalala... and I said hi to all of them psal drg pun kn balik dah~ Now I just wish I get to see my powerpuff boy =p
Ok maybe my BattleFury ;)
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