Mcm lost rasanya =p Entah~ There's this feeling today, or maybe since last night that I can't quite figure out what's the problem =(
Amaths was blugh~ The questions actually sanang plg sdh, mcm straight forward but inda jua tjawab kn -_-" Just when ada rajin kan revise atu inda cia keluar apa yg dibaca, before ane the day of the exam ku baca then kluar wah ='( Was kinda annoyed by that, the topics that I practiced for yesterday came out today so yay =) But unfortunately last night I practiced the topics yg ku belum sempat which didn't come out today but paper 1 plg~ No hope eh -_-"
I have 3 papers left =) Really happy about it~ Psal it's only an hour paper and you have no idea how grateful I am for that! ='( Psal this year mcm seksa wah! Bukan plg psal the paper, sajuk wah!! ='( Mcm every exam day kan nangis wah rsanyaa ='( I sit directly arh tempat where the air cond tiup the angin? =p Pham2 lah~
First day of the exam msatu lh paling teruk, I didn't know it'd be cold so nda bwa jacket. Skalinya arh the coldest spot kn -_-" I know it's english paper, psal my fingers were numb and stress eyh kn siapkn laju2! The teacher had to move me to this empty table instead, psal I really can't feel my fingers anymore and they couldn't turn off the AC =( Booohoo!
I'm only human, that's why aku lack in iron... Haha! Aiyoo~ Iron wah =( Besi? Zat besi~ Y'know2~ Aku manusia that's why less iron =p Hmm... ndapyh th~ Anaemic wah... that's why I get pale easily, been like that for entah how many years. Mum always ter-confuse with that term, or was it me? =p Ntah but she always use that alasan dari dulu untuk takutkn so I'd eat, pdahal biasa jua gnya :D
I'm well aware of how bad I did with my amaths, wouldn't be that tekajut if the result nanti bad bad, not proud of it lah~ But sendiri jua pnya psal so sadar jua kan. And... (rant cont....)
Tapi... that's really not the reason why I'm down right now =(
Hmmm... entah apa =/
Science kale ah? =p haha! I mean chemical this chemical that kapoof then mcm entah =p Nvm!
I miss Azeerul, it'd be nice if you're here right now :) But you're so tough mna muat go through my screen ne =( Dinding? Ok nvm! =p haha!!
Nene masuk hospital again... I've been thinking about it recently, is that why I'm upset =( Hmmm... I think my sis's gonna stay arh hospital jaga...
I just want a hug from her but I'm too... entah, he would say ego but I'm just not used to it. I didn't grow up with hugs or whatever... Maybe there was, maybe lupa, entahhh I don't know how to deal with it. I'm such a coward I acted so cold to hide it :)
There was this girl, back in ugama, I didn't like her much awal2~ Then she had an accident in school, a car didn't see her. I don't remember apa2 but her legs were injured badly, then a year or two later she's my classmate again and ntah maybe psal atu ea betukar, psal she was so nice and it kinda buat aku guilty for judging her dulu.
Then PSR result kluar and instead of staying there aku pindah to ms, the last day we're together she told me how she's really grateful to have her friends, mcm biasa aku inda biasa~ =p I mean I'm not used to telling people how I feel, but mcm for her biasa wah, I just stayed silent psal I didn't know how to react, no one ever said to me that they'll miss me, and I used to not like that girl but then she hugged me and I froze, that was the first time someone gave me a hug =)
I know maybe sekadar or biasa, but somehow for me atu kinda entah~ It means a lot, and when I think of it, my 'best friend', well not really, dangan2 yg slalu bjalan2 atu lah~ bjumpa or bcakap pun nada -_-" And I didn't really see her as my best friend back then, but gila~ Entah, terharu ku eyh =p Thank you =)
Ok emo ku eyh =p haha!
There's no point plg dngan this long post =p
Saja buang stress, tho mcm buat aku rasa silly plg -_-"
And Sorry! No refunds, I can't pay back the time that you wasted IF you're reading this =p
Wooohooo! Stress free ;) For now...
Tomorrow dancing! Double Wooohoo! :D
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