So I was kinda annoyed by it, psal I need to know jadikh inda practice or what time, baik jua ya belum jln, and time kn tanya ea was gonna say it mcm mrh2 =p but was so tired and mls so low voice sja tanya apa the msg, then ntah ngapa ya good mood and sruh check sendiri, atuya nda ku jadi mrh =p haha! Guilty sja krg ;)
So dngan mlsnya aku jln ke dapur and check the phone, then when I opened it...Owahhh!! =O

Discovery!! =O
I should have known awal2! Patutlah!!
Tapuk2 kan kaka ah~ Then inda sengaja time kn check for the inbox yg buka inbox lain =p Eyah! Aku act nada sja but kn ktawa plg ;p Ok~ Nda make sense kalee =p
My point is I didn't expect it =p I mean between aku, mia and kaka, them two lagi more easier to talk to or apakah with people especially yg not their age, even family or stuff to be honest I feel like I'm the black sheep of the family ='( haha! Sdg~ Hmm... but I mean drg lah pandai melayan~ Ganya when it comes to strangers opposite plg =p
So lagi my point to my point! I have this thing where I assume my sis can't trust guys and if awupun ya ne marijap or memilih lah =p Psal to those yg pham she had a baa, and this baa kana lecture tngah2 mlm by her, which I 'accidentally overheard' psal bsar kalee ah~ So to that guy yg stole her heart now, brainwash ya so ya lagi baik to her adi oright ='( Kesian kami~ Other than that, wah~ Handal jua kau ;)
I hope inda kena baca ne by her =O If adapun hmm ;)

Since kaka bising msatu I think I can do the same thing too right? To be fair? Y'know~ Part gtau babu about it? ;p Seh! HAHA! Tattletale~ C mia plg pandai keep a secret ane wah :D But seriously, aku mau buat! I wanna see her kana tanya the same questions yg kana tembak uleh babu =p Which was kinda funny instead of marijap plg, but still! =p

Oh and I'm stuck at home for today =( and home alone lagi most of the time this week =/

No transport ah now, and even if I wait for my dad balik krg, mia krg sorang2~ So my mum sruh aku stay sja dangani ea till ea skulah ptg which if aku ke skulah pun at that time habis kale dah practice =( Sorry ka zimah I didn't come to school
And was kinda hoping to see zeerul too but huhu! ='( Sokay~ Oh! Since it's past 10.15am his exam should be over by now, so good luck with your games sja then! :D I did wake up at 3am td ;) But then sambung jua tdor~ Krg th revise =p
Woke up early then tdor then kena bangunkn lagi tadi psal mum wanted me to fix the telephone line -_-" Aiyoo~ Nyaman sudah tdor, last time I just tarik the wireless connection and it'd be fine now tadi andang sdh betarik so antah apakh lagi msalah nya, was too sleepy to find out -_- Sepatutnya the modem inda kacau the telephone line but sometimes ada th tu~ ertinya the problem was not fixed last time =( Hopefully krg baik sendiri~
Harta karun, di dagu, mu
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