Last Saturday, I sensed something was wrong~ So at exactly 5 tebangun then oh no! Ada that buzzing sound so psal takut tarus kn arh laptop check2, and lurus te-off psal low battery and the charger rusak lagi!!! ='( Was so upset and mengantuk psal baru bangun wah tu but psal panic I tried kacau2 the wires inda jua mau -_-"
I knew at least ada about 10 mins left if my laptop ttutup psal low bat, but aku switch on jua and used that time to tell zeerul about it psal ttdor the night before =( and then checked the bat 7mins left! Huhu!! Sedih wah tu! ='(
Then mcm stuck-ish and eh! Kenapa ya hijau ane?? =O So I checked the battery again then betukar cia! 1 hour left!! =O Inda jua logic tu! Even if andang jua awal2 1 hour then why laptop ku ttutup? This is not the first time ane terjadi, ada lagi msatu the battery was empty, 0% lah but aku minimized the birghtness and all and labih 15mins kale mseh dpt dpkai ah! =p
I wonder if atu baik or inda...
Then was planning to go back to sleep and save that 1 hour for later, but inda aman rasanya tarus2 betukar cematu atu so instead I dunno why I played this game arh kongregate expecting it was a trick, mnatau eksen 1 hour atu~ Nada sadar2 I was really focused with the game instead =p
Dari the day before plg sdh ku play the game, Pandemic lh the name, and sasak ku~ Awal2 nda paham, then sdh paham inda handal =p But then time aku main at that time I dunno how but I won the game!! Masuk highscore lagitu!!! :D Wooohooo!! Then aku tdor =p haha!

At first nda brapa but still top 50 ;)

Now 2nd try~ 16th hmm not bad for someone yg half awake =p
But entah eh! I'm not sure if aku aware kh inda, psal mengantuk banar2~ So katik2 sja itu ini while waiting for the bat atu to show inda bnar that 1 hr~ Skalinya banar! Atu menyesal =(
So I cried myself to sleep =p HAHA! Nadawah~ Was too tired, closed the laptop then planning kn usai the wires since kn pkul 6 dah~ But then after ambil the wires ttdor jua kn -_-" Bangun sakit badan~ Psal terhimpit the charger =p Nyeh~
But akhirnya the charger mau balik! =')

Monday Bio was hmm~ It was okay, I'm not saying it's easy psal mcm pyh2 plg the question, especially for Section A, but I mean for someone who didn't revise enough it was ok-er than expected lah~ At least it was answer-able :D What I hated time exam msatu mcm biasa it was SAJUK!! ='(
Only that time it's 3x msalah -_-"
My seat 3rd dari left and 3rd from the back, QE msatu 4th from the right and left and 4th dari dpn =p Neway I'm directly arh aircond pnya air atu so dari day 1 seksa wah exam! ='( Time bio tapinya hujan tah lagi! And that night I had a dream about menstrual cycle, so I thought maybe atu might come out, skalinya kluar banar eyh -_-" A few hours before bio exam I found out it was that day of the month, yknow2~ so usually ada that cold sensation =(
Huhu! ='( It was so sakit that day, I mean why that pagi ='( Less than 5 hours bio exam wah!
I came to school kinda late, plan kn dtg at 9 psal kn borrow notes dari geo people while drg exam but that was time aku nangis =p HAHA! Sdg~ I think that day was the most sakit-est this year =p mau2 lagi tu~ haha! Nadalah~ Psal paning plg tu so mata blurry rupanya belair =O So I ended up dtg pkul 12 =(
And the girls arh surau, atu sajuk! Nasib jua ke canteen after that =) Had no mood to study, so tdor sja and dngar2 drg revise, hmm~ The first question yg c leez asked c dee time di canteen ended up kluar arh Q6 arh bio =D
Then at 12.30-ish zeerul came! I am so proud of him =') He invented his own formula! =p HAHA! And he made my mood go the other way =) Was so happy the pain didn't bother me anymore ;) Handal eh, I dunno how he does it =O
Just noticed this yesterday, Bio has the most topics, facts, names, terms, blalala that we need to memorize out of all the sciences but then arh the exam paper bio has the least question yg kluar! -_-"

Woooohooo! Practice starts earlier than I expected =')
I am looking forward to it, but kinda sad.. Last 2 dances with ka zimah in ms ='(
Kinda made a deal no dota or dancing (until) after exam (or during) but then sama jua mseh =p haha! So seri lah ah ;)
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