I heard this song otw to school yesterday :D
So lawaaa!! (for me)
And it's enrique with nicole rupanya! Waw! I remember I like them both psal their names is so fun to pronounce! =p
But of courselah apart from that their voice lawa jualah~ And their songs 0=) Kalee, ntah I know some of their songs sja~ Somebody's me especially dari c enrique, I dunno why I really like that song, nostalgic eh =p That song balik2 kena play on my bro's lappy time baru2 kena bali dulu.

I've been having the same problem mcm this guy jua, but yg DDOS attack atu nda ku tau eh! =( But no one answered him -_- So I really don't know what's the problem~ Psal with other site ok-er but kdg2 sama jua egg nya ='(
Right now I'm at my nene's at TM and it works fine, sooooo ertinya arh my home lah tu yg inda working ='( WTH sudah jua beusai msatu -__-"
Aiyoo~ Ane lagi msalah =(
Something is wrong with my laptop =O Well was plg, now ok dah for a few days~ Gnya takut ku sja =p I don't remember bila msatu, but it was so slow wah in everthing and then I got frustrated then TA-daaa!! The screen ntah white-ish blurry-ish something mcm rusak lah the image, and the sound repeating~ Katik ini itu tidak mau~ So sepanic2 setakut2 nya saya sampat lagi ku gambar :P haha! Ntah nantith show-off ;p
Last year ada plg problem jua~ Yg my laptop kena 'haunted' -_-
My bro kept telling me to get it fixed but mls ku kn hantar sana sini~ So aku biarkn sja and pandai2 ku mlawan~ The thing typed sendiri lah this stuff and I think atu based on my info kalee, psal mcm apa yg ea type atu aku dpt relate or maybe luan prasan kale aku =p
Ntah but pokoknya lama2 hilang cia~ And somehow I kinda miss it, which is weird psal antahh! Sometimes when I get bored I'll open the microsoft word and summom the virus~ Mcm banarwah aku type "are you there?" =p HAHA Ntahh!! Psal manatau ada life arh laptop banar and ya type balik ;)
I'm looking forward to something but I'm not sure what
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