But mls~ Nanti th =p

"Hey students.. and Salam… Enjoying your exam so far? J I’m positive that you have finished doing you revision by now… I know this is a bit last minute BUT this is only to polish a bit of your answering techniques.. Just download the files attached… Good luck students… I pray for your success in all of your subjects! -Teacher Izy-
P/S: Please don’t disappoint me…"
Aku belum start revision ah cher
"I’m positive that you have finished doing you revision by now…"
Okay this one really buat aku feel guilty =(
Start pun aku belum....
Neway... tomorrow Bio P2!
Woohoo! Last paper! Then no more memorizing =)
Amaths ada plg jua... but at least atu practice sja, I hope okay... Then all sciences pnya paper 1 =D
Then done! =')
Tho I feel like by the end of this week hbs sdh rasanya ;p
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