Yesterday sungkai-ed arh nene again =)
Nothing much happened~ But someone curchated at me and I found it quite funny, not what he churchated~ ok maybe a little about that =p (Awuuwah sorry if kau baca~ drama jua cana ;) I mean the fact that ea considered to tell me all these lh~ Psal we've been busy with our own lives sdh and cam jrg-er dh berjumpa but he seems to be open about telling me his problems which was Ooooo~ =D
Growing up slalu main with him and his bros, yg smua guys ane~ Yth ganya kraja kami tu dulu =p Game, game, game, game, snacks, games!~ So we were pretty close~ oklah jua~ Psal their dad strict skit and if drg mau main game kh apa pyh2an and my bro suka games and so I play them jua and knew quite a lot about some of it and yth jadi connection kami tu =p I guess that bond is still there =)
And this dude yg churchat ane is actually kinda like me in a way =p Mcm if becerita pyh2an wah~ =p Neway~ all the luck to you cuz ;) In this 'drama' =p haha!!
"I trust you kay"
That was sweet =p He told me once last year he's afraid of girls at school -ish~ and not sure if ea berchurchat dngan his guys friends so he was kinda shy kn time gtau aku but then mau~ yth it's kinda funny ;p I wonder if all guys ada issue mcm ea ane :D
Btw~ You're still young dude! So drama eyh =p Kalah kaka~ Nah~ This below pic is for you =p Growing up dah ne ;)

Okay~ Banarnya nada plg kena mengena tu =p Aku ambil psal ada word 'kids' sja ;p haha!!
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