I've been craving a lot lately~ To eat this or drink that and do this or learn that =p So far my mum granted what I want ='D Psal aku jrg meminta yth once ada request mcm Ooo~ ada :P But then ada lagi craving baru -_- I dunno knapa aku terseliur kn sari muka (I think that's the name) BMT and teh tarik now~ And I want to bake so bad!! But aku inda tau menau kn ingredients nya ='( Mls ku tanya my mum because I know apa ya ckp tu =p
OK! I just searched the web~ It's Kuih Seri Muka =p And it's NOT apa yg ku mau =/ But now aku liat the pic terseliur ku jua =D
This is Seri Muka~

And the second one from the left is the one yg aku terseliur, psal nene buat nyaman dulu ='( What is your name food!!? ='(

I dunno why aku kn terseliurkn 'kuihs' =p I mean, classic jua!~ =p Nene would be so proud =') haha!!
Enough food~ Puasa~ Awal lagi bangun hari ane =p Inda plg ku sure apa effectnya if diteruskn ;p
Anyway~ I wanna learn how to play the tin whistle or a flute =/ It's 3rd on my fav instrument list =) Dari duluuuu dah plg ne~ But time ada flute dulu inda pandai psal I was still a young innocent girl 0=) Clueless apa kn dibuat~ Well now mseh plg jua ;p
But I want the tin whistle lah~ I searched the brunei web -_- Dui~ Nada wah ='( Hopefully ada arh store~ somewhere =/ Slalu wah what I want nada, or maybe I just really don't know where to look~ I usually ask my bro if benda2 cani, and so I did~ Last night =)
But.... Ya nda suruh =/ He told me atu nda baik psal mcm memanggil y'know y'know~ So sesiapun sja =(
I wanna play sports!! =( That's another thing on my list yg kn ku buat nanti~ Hopefully after puasa~ =) So far ada plan to have a friendly match with ka zimah nanti =D So yes!~ Looking forward to it :D And I dunno why I feel like riding a bicycle around a park~ Sounds so calming but I dunno any near park here =p And bicycle sini Mia pnya and I think rusak =(
Halo match!!!

Huhu~ ='( Sedih ku~ Balik2 sdh kena adakn this plan but inda menjadi wah ='(
But I have good news~ Saw Aqil rh stadium last week and I was with my dad, skalinya my dad ingat ea =p And cm he told him:
"Inda datang main rumah lagikh?"
Wooh! =D haha!! Suspend plg but wooh! Ertinya green light dari awal sdh tu wah if kn bawa drg main ;) And I think bpaku pun ada niat minta bwa main bula =p Psal msatu we're supposed to play rmai2 but then smua cancel except c Aqil~ yth cm kami dua gnya main dari pagi ke mlm after my dad minta bwa main fifa~ :D
And Oh! =D
Another thing that I really want is...

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