I woke up at exactly 7am today =O
Really early~ "Terbangun" plg bnarnya because I had a bad dream. It was a really weird dream, I actually spent dari tadi merecap on what happened and drew it out, but mcm suspend and panjang so I just saved it and not post it :P Psal I'm really that bad at summarizing, panjang wah once I write, mcm ntah~
I didn't go back to sleep because I cried =/ Instead aku cari arh google apa meaningnya but nda dpt~ This is my first time seeing it in my dreams, 3rd if campur my past experience, inda plg sama but how it made me feel is almost the same~
What the hell am I talking about? =p haha!

Well awal2 cool plg but something happened~ Atu ane atu ane so mcm makin teruk lh mimpi atu =p
A flock of birds =O Saw this last year arh kami pnya area. Y'know our house bersebalahan dngan my cousin and these two house sja tinggal arh this bukit so mcm marijap lh~ Inda plg deserted, but I mean arh 'bukit' atu kami sja, psal ada plg other houses, and hampir plg~
That pic okay jua, psal mcm drg migrating but yg last year I dunno. My dad ckp drg makan the small birds psal musim hujan yth mcm the birds trabang2 on one spot. And that spot exactly between my house and ka fiqah's =O So hampir wah~ Gnya tinggi~ And I actually recorded it, only I dunno where I saved it -_-
That was my 2nd time, yg my first experience ='O
To be honest ane inda plg sama =p And it's far worst actually~ to me lah~ psal yg the last two baik jua dari jauh and aku cm takut sja psal pelik~ But this one is the worst day of my life!! GILA! ='( I hate that day~ was hoping with all my heart atu mimpi but ='( It was the scariest moment lh and I don't think I'll ever forget it, mcm mental kalee face-to-face dngan fear ku wah ='(
It's not even a day wah, mcm a few hours but seksa ='( and I was alone~ Luckily that time kami mseh ada anty =) Yes~ A maid, I don't like it when people disrespect them because of their low rank job but still, they have feelings and is actually older =) So respect lah sikit -_- Inda jua smua 'jahat' some sja =p
So yea, she kinda saved me =D Kinda have goosebumps reminiscing that time =(
Mcm messy apa yg ku ckp ane =p Inda make sense? Haha!! Biarcia~ ;p
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