Last week was really tiring, emotionally and physically. I'm sorry to those people if I was such a trouble. I'm just as stressed as you guys but I just don't know how to let it out or let people in. And plus some other stuff happened and I don't want to blame anyone for it =)

So thanks to everyone for cheering me up, directly or indirectly~ seh! =p And thanks Ka Zimah for listening to what I have to say and every single one of you guys for checking up on me last Friday, and sorry again if I acted different =p I know sometimes I was so diam without realizing it, I was actually deep in thoughts and ada free movie arh kepala and menahan rasa at that time =p

Anyway~ Mia had her first storytelling competition last Friday morning. I had one too when I was little and got 2nd place but I did it solo~ =p I mean my parents weren't there :(

I'm used to it plg dah, gpun most of the activities that I joined aku sendiri mau and my parents ku gtau sja about it last minute =p I think there were only 3 times both my parents came, yg aku ingatlah~ One was time our school got invited to perform arh pdg for sultan's bday, I think, it was at night time and I was little so yea aku lupa :P Second yg psr~ Third was time ku form 2, the award ceremony, but atupun awal balik bcause my mum mls kn tunggu smpai hbs event =/ I didn't get to take pictures with the rest of the people yg dpt award -_-

Oooo! Found this =p Our school dance team yg perform during sultan's bday arh padang :D Pelik! Tabal ah the make-up sorang2 =p And I rarely use em, usually time perform sja and blah~ :D
But lucky wah c Mia ada aku =p seh! I mean, I'm actually proud of her instead of jealous 0=) Psal at least my parents know what she's doing and cam bangga~ but if aku cam since I didn't really tell them drg nda tau~ =p My mum inda plg dtg, so aku sma bpa dngankn~

And she practiced for a week sja psal ada Cpox :D It wasn't fair really, but she did well. Better than I expected but the judges buyuk~ Mls ku ckp =p
Hbs the event went straight to Leez~ it was still early pnya :D Tuan rumahnya belum mandi~ ;p but c Gymah sama jua awal dtg =p Her sis hntar-ed us ke gdg and we bought 4 tickets liat....

Dirumah hbs yath~ ;p

Zeerul came =D He watched 3 free movies I think before masuk ;) Sorry~ =p Patutnya if director bleh masuk anytime jua ;) The movie was okay~ I wasn't paying attention to it much psal I missed some parts and since he told me he watched it dah so mcm guilty suruh liat lagi psal he got home at 6 so cm naleh from where I see it~ =( Rupanya sdh liat the trailer sja -_- Booo~ suspend eyh~ =p

We ate arh CA Muhammad :D First time there, I'm not really that knowledgeable when it comes to restaurant fyi Leez :) Went home early psal 'ter-send' cia the msg =( But I had fun that day =) Not that night tho =(
The next day I did come to school~ Was planning on not to with Dinin since hbs QE mls~ =p But I had to psal ada briefing for the SCB run on Sunday~ We didn't study that day~ Got maths P1, bio, and english marks =D It was uhm~ unexpected~ Since I didn't study, I didn't get high marks and I wasn't expecting that I would pass =p Blah~ Point is, I wasn't expecting anything but cam wah ok~ happy =D And the rest of the time, the girls cheered me up =') THANK YOU!
That night went to the Jungle to meet the Giant~ :D

Happy Birthday tik =) So~ The image blurry~ because yg took the picture is siapa lagi if not 'the one and only'~ Mia!~ =p I think tangannya ne nda jua brapa kajar2 compared to mine, but ntah ngapa kah ya slalu~ And my mom wanted me to wear the same dress as the day before -_- I dunno why~ Ok, maybe I do know~ So I had to search lagi mana I placed it since bejurit my room :D
It was tiring~ Went home late, slept late, overslept~ woke up late~ Sunday woah late! =O
Was supposed to be at JP by 5am that Sunday! But I woke up at 4.30am =p Gilaaaa!~ Takut tarus~ Siap everything jalan~ And my dad ane pun lupa where Jerudong Park ane ='( We got lost~ balik2~ and it was late sdh~ So I got nervous psal ntah~ when sampai at the amphitheater sir ane cool2 jua mseh -_- Suspend eyh!~ Dpt jua late tu ='(
My original checkpoint was supposed to be yg M1 for the 2.5km~ The one yg Zeerul joined =) I was excited about it since I get to see him start and end the race but then kna tukar to M11 for the 10.5km race last2 =( But in the end was glad jua wh that happened =) Since he gets to rest while I'm still arh M11 and it was a new experience for me =D
Spent the rest of the time with Zeerul ♥

After the SCB run dad bwa lawat nini, his dad =) Our house is actually pretty close~ But unfortunately, we're not really that close close~ And something happened that day, I don't really know how to react... I was bersalam dngan my nini because me and my dad kn balik, we were tired and dad was outside nini's room dh bcrita dngan nini bini so it was me and nini laki sja in his room~
Then time salam nini he looked at me and said something then he cried, I couldn't understand what he was saying, but somehow I could feel it, he was really upset when he saw how much he was missing out ='( I was wearing my school pe baju and I was growing up so fast and he didn't know much about what's going on in our life =( It was really sad, and sudden~ Ok~ ntah~ aku sja pham kalee =)
Went home tarus tdor~ =p Really tired!!
Phew!! Long post :D Doubt it will be read =p
Anyway it was really a hectic week for me =p But it was a fun week nonetheless! =D And I got to spend a lot of time with Zeerul and it had a perfect Monday to start and a perfect Sunday to end it with :)
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