I was really clumsy today mcm weak~ I dunno~ Had chem practical and it was ehh... I really like titration =D it went well but calculation I hate =p and the 2nd experiment gilaa~ Ntah clumsy eyh, I spilled the R-liquid atu and cam contaminated cia the solution yg kana and cam I don't think ada extra psal that was provided sdh so I was panicking and cam ntah~ antam smua =( Bnyak no observation ah =O
Then hbs even Zayas tagur that I almost fell twice :p Once arh bridge, then arh tangga =p Sorry2~ :D So we took the long way kn ke conference room, our quarantine area, psal there were people from other shift blocking this and that =p
It was boring~ I'm in the first shift, as always =p but then Sir Taufiq came to the rescue =D He took the D&T student kluar from that place and bawa ke workshop =) Since BETR, our class R sja yg D&T so siuk lah kraja psal nda ramai =)
Unfortunately aku clumsy lagi~ =p I was unscrewing the pillar drill but it was karas~ Really karas and I was wearing the safety stuff and all but psal frustrated karas mseh atu yth tanpa menyedari my left hand ane ikut th jua memigang the screw area atu and when cam I unscrewed it with all the force yg ku ada sdh one of my fingers tekapit =O

It's not really a screw, ntah apa kh namanya but it's the place where ea holds the drill pnya basi =p Okay ntah~ mls kn explain~ But it hurts~ The area yg kana inda plg bsar bnar, but it was deep and padih =p
I don't know what happened next psal suspend wah, but badanku over react I think :D Awu plg sakit, but more like padih~ But peliknya my body couldn't take it~ I was shock mcm ntah~ Then sajuk menarus rasanya and my head barat berabis, y'know that feeling if batah2 limpang or duduk then berdiri menarus paning and cam hitam2? Yea, head rush kah? ntah~ That was what I was feeling, gnya batah berabis~
The last time aku cani was last year =p And pernah I fainted twice because of it, mcm ntah~ I wasn't aware aku walking, I couldn't see psal it was black-ish and then terhantuk and blackout and rupanya I was on the floor :D First time kena angkat~ then the 2nd time it happened no one was around, so time bangun I crawled back to my bed :D
So since mcm familiar sdh the situation, I dropped everything arh the nearest table and duduk tarus balik arh my seat, gila kuat wah paningnya! Mcm nda teangkat lagi badan, and then batah2 atu nda jua makin baik so since nda tahan duduk, tarus ku limpang arh the floor =p I know it's kinda dirty but gila nda ku peduli, I couldn't take it, kn menangis pn inda :p
Then kacau~ Ada suara the guys+sir, so terduduk balik psal I didn't want them to know~ Ali saw it tho, which ea tagur recently, I mean in a nice way~ Thanks =) But then kacau lagi~ sir nampak, I tried kn buang kes duduk arh FifahJ but sir tagur-er I looked pale and suruh stop doing everything, ntah I dunno~ Mukaku sajuk berabis rasanya, terasa changes nya so last2 mls ku kn deny it and did what was told, rest arh staffroom sir =)
So again, sir to the rescue :) He gave FifahJ $5 to buy me some food, which FifahJ terhilang =p Then sir bagi lagi~ but I ate sandwich sja and atupun I felt guilty menyusahkn sir so I paid him back 0=) Baik ah sir, he's one of the few teachers that I know yg care about his students psal yg bukan study :D I mean awulah he cares about the study part, but I mean he's aware yg kami stressed kh apakh and considerate lah =) That was actually the 3rd time ea noticed something was wrong with me =p seh! I'm normal kalier but I mean pham2 lah =D
Had a short lunch and played volley/netball early =D
It was FUN! Gilerr siuk main =') I was really satisfied lah, psal puas main atu, sampai hajat =D It was awal tho, tngahari wah! so panasss and ntah just panasss~ =p surprisingly it was the second time us girls played as a team :D Selama ane baruth kn main as one team wah~ Usually kna split but now all 7 players dari our own group :)

And somehow when one team dngan durang ane nyaman main =) Aman wah rasanya =p seh! I mean I could feel the teamwork and cam co-operation dari each player which was really nyaman mata memandang =p ntah~ point is, it made me feel glad and happy just to play, I'm not saying kami handal or apa, but mcm happy liat sorang2 inda tamak kn main sendiri2~
We had two match that day against the year 9~ Won both match =) First match I scored the first goal ;) Seh~ but atu gnya~ lamah wah mseh =p so it was 1-4 then second match 2-5 and I scored 2 Sar 3 :D Overall, it was a good game :) and Sar was really fast, cm if I dropped it ea tarus to the rescue =')
Played volley, we sucked but we had fun =p Then naleh went to the canteen :)
Everyone lanja-ed everyone, well aku plg tu mengusut awal2 kelaparan and I had some coins but mls kn makan bnyak2 so we shared bali chips, pkai coins dari drg smua :D Dee dared me to byr slowly pkai the coins, =p haha!! Sanang~ So last2 $4 of chips bebali :D Thanks to those yg bnyak kluar duit =p I spent 20c plg sja =p sorry~ next time my treat 0=)
Spent the rest of the time wasting time :) It's not completely wasted when you're having fun now~ We shared jokes, so the mood that day was really great :D