
I'm so happy~ Finally managed to force myself in doing something school-related =p Suspend plg tu but gila~ Si pmls ane buat kraja cam jarang kalier!!
Finally siapkn sdh my BM file!! Such a wonderful feeling! It's actually supposed to be done before the holidays but~ well actually I did kinda buat what was asked (kalee) or maybe I didn't eath~ cher wanted me to buat lagilh some stuff, tulis itu ini -_- I'm not complaining much, I deserved it jua wah =) And I'm kinda taken aback that cher would give another chance =p
I don't know why I'm having this issue with bm this year, macam blabih wah~ My friends would know how I feel about it, and it probably showed~ But I'm not blaming the class. Psal aku plg jua tu =( I have this bad habit, well not really a habit but more like a bad attitude, once someone SAID something then what you said will be your wish ;(
Should have not said that in the first place!! ;(
I have my own opinion about stuff, everyone does. But sometimes I take it too seriously that I'm repelled or reject the subject blablahblah :D Haha! Inda make sense tu apa ku ckp =) But pokoknya 'something' was said sometime this year that I took very seriously for some reason even if it wasn't for me alone but because I find it unacceptable diriku auto-neglect unfortunately =( Keras kepala wah ku ne~ Siapa jua inda =D
Biarcia, sabar sja =) Dipendam dalam hati apa yg dirasa~ nda jua urg paham =p
Anyway~ I can't do this all without the help of Zati =) THANK YOU! Terharu ku kau ane =') Sadar ko kau atu luan baik? =p haha! Okay~ It's a good thing plg tu :D I know mcm skadar but the little things bagiku lah is what counts the most and yg buat aku cam ingatkn berabis =) Thank you zati! Thank you zati! Thank you zati! Nantith carikn kau laki! =) Since atu yg kau tnya and I'm not sure ngapa ;p
This was supposed to be a short post~ But I ended up ranting =D
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