The dry-run went... =/
I was kinda disappointed, there were only 4 of us when I expected 6, but sokay2~ But I waited an hour+ till baruth ada yg dtg, drg meet arh tempat lain rupanya, when I specifically said meet arh canteen =( So membazir sja masa, nda practice and that thing even start akhir ;/ Kata 9 start, pukul 11 juanya!! Ntah eyh~ I went home at 11.30
Then I had to come back to school since none of them dpt stay sampai ptg and 'she' said "...if I said ptg, then... I don't care....mesti dtg ptg...blahblah" -_- so it was only me and Widaad, atupun pyh2an since she has work and last2 c Ziana dpt jua ku sruh dtg, I was gonna provide transport for her untuk buat ea dtg plg but last2 ada jua sendiri. Thanks nah! :)
It sucks, ntah eyh, frustrated ku -_- I think someone cried kalee psal 'she' inda mau macam2, no this no that, bnyak kana attack, even bf/gf c wilson. Ntah eyh~ Now even plans ku will be kacau-ed for this thing, gila sabar eyh~
And even the dry-run ptg atu start akhir jua! ;/
I think we are performing on sunday, the teacher didn't reject us, bnyak plg question kna tanya, but ksian ku yg got in but kna cut-off psal apa ea inda mau =/ Cubath bagitau awal2 what it is that you want, naleh2 jua tu the girls practice, baikth nada audition awal2~
And there is a chance ea mau kami perform lagi even if initially 2 kali sja, but antam~ Mesti follow her schedule yg alum pasti ane~ I was smiling the whole time plg sja, but dalam~
'Inda terurus' is all I have to say~
After Widaad balik, me and ziana ke gym~ well ish~ ntah nda jadi masuk psal ramai and c ziana pn kn balik~ So aku kluar secara penakutnya~ Sorry rul =) But I saw you =p haha! Cheered me up a bit :)
Both of us arh netball court, practiced a bit arh tiang netball gol ah ntah ngapa :D Hmm~ that sounded weird, bukan nari tiang lah pokoknya ;) kami nari tarian ayu2(seh!), berdekatan dengan tiang itu lah~ seesee~ =) but c ziana balik cia alum bth atu~ Aku balik at 5 and it was 4.30ish~ and it was really quite, nada urg langsung~ So sorang sja sana
I waited arh the 'tangga seat' and saw ada bula volley~ Main sja arh basketball court and surprisingly aman rasanya, it was siuklh, mcm ntah calming? I guess psal stressed kale, and cm upset and while main2 atu cool down cia~ Needed that time alone =)
There's gonna be another one for tomorrow, I just hope it will be a better day :)
Happy sleeping ♥ =)
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