The girls nda jadi visit Zati, last minute Leez's dad nda suruh -_- Which is odd since I thought she said he encouraged her to do so awal2~ So since atu cancel I thought meet at school rupanya drg meet at Leez jua =/

Came early at 10 with Mia, dad couldn't come sma ea so babysit ea th tu~ and my sis kn kraja so awal pn awal lah~ Jln2 sja buang masa~ Met Shaz and em... someone~ Her friend lah =)
Mia mengusut since aku nda tau apa kn dibuat and jalan2 sja~ So bwa duduk2 arh teacher's cafe akhirnya~ Then jumpa... dia~ =D Banarnya aku buang kes =p Eksen2 nda nampak when he came, psal dupdups wah so cam kn keep cool lah ;)
He accompanied me till the girls dtg =) Said goodbye to him =( then jumpa the girls rh audi =) Pukul 11+ -_- Dee and Qil sja ikut Leez~ Gymah wah nowhere to be seen~ Rupanya nda jadi dtg psal mls gagas kn tkar baju~ lah =/
Jumpa Farah not long after that, FifahH was there as well, Umi and Azin, then the guys Azri and Aqil sma Irfan sja I think~
Jumpa the guys so jln2 sma Azri and Aqil, was planning on trying the flying fox but tutup till 1 and ATV cam mls~ psal ramai jua~ So audi lagi~ ulang alik eh =p But yg kn lawan game ne nda jua jadi since Azri Zhah dah bersatu ;)
We were bored, and naleh~ So duduk arh the green seat :D And cam terseliur liat the kids rh playground and color2~ C drg sruh ku tanya the MP if dpt join, and ku tanya jua~ the MP was kinda tekajut =p And nda tau apa kn dibuat, since kami bsar2~ but the payment kn join murah ah~ 50c! So mau lah, boring2 baik color knkn ;) But ea cm unsure, yth kn tanya the big boss~ But penakut cancel nda jadi :D
Then Mia got bored, minta bawa main~ So aku sja dangani since drg pmls mseh -_- and ksian jua ku~ So we played yg bawah, then arh stage main DDR =p Wooh! Noob! Basic pn payah2, fail lagi tu~ So yg before basic th ku pilih akhirnya :p Yg difficulty level satu bar sja ah ;p haha!! Lama dh nda main, dirumah pnya behabuk~ Rockband nda jadi =/ Since dirumah ada jua~ But balik2 ah~ =( Lawan the same person =/ Nada challenge~
After lunch jumpa Syidah =) Cali ya ne~ Takut kn kluar psal ramai urg?? haha!! Sorry lah Syid~ Memang ramai tak kn berkurang ne ;) At 1 went to lecture theater for the musical theater~ Seh! Handal =D Rhyme ;) haha!! I thought I was late, rupanya c zeerul alum lagi masuk~ =) It was packed dlm~ Pasal the place sampit jua wah! So shared seats sja =) Aku nda pham apa msg drg sampaikn -_- But ada according to him, and it's true jua lah =p
Mia finally got her wish dari last year kn ride a horse =) Buyuk ah pnya~ Mine last year dapat 3 rounds kh? But not one lah, ane one round and still the same price cam -_- And the horse Oooo~ sensitive jua rupanya =p That moment patutnya berecord~ Pelik eh kuda atu ;)
Minimum ticket needed was 35~ Mia ada 20? Since mug sja, membazir if $1 dpt 3 ticket, mcm $5 jua lagi tu~ Baik bali rh happy star~
Wooo~ Mau lagitu =p and group photo failed~ =( Apa ne mia nda pro gambar, mcm smua yg ea gambar kabur2 -_- yg direcordnya nda bebunyi psal adakh ditutupnya the sound place atu~
Had fun spending time with him =) But we were heading to the reptile house next and since ea inda suka snakes and balik awal-er so byebye~ =( The reptile house/room jua -_- nda brapa~ I got bored easily since nda banyak kn dicuba, and surprisingly aku mau cuba pigang the snake =) Daring ah that time, maybe psal it's something new and jrg yth I don't want to miss that chance or psal $3 atu kale =p and I got pranked by one of the dude sana -_- Krg asm! Pacah hp wah =p Memalukan~
The girls kata awal balik~ at 4 ish~ Inda jua =p So spent the rest of the time rh pond with yg mseh alum balik~ It was cali~ Bnyak urg sakai kn the pond so ikut2 th jua kami ;p And Mia dtg cia soalan2 lame nya~ And c Kamarul ane ikut th jua~ Then sorang2 ada soalan, it was fun jualah =)
Aku main hantam jawab but lurus! =D haha!! Wahhh~ cool cool~ Gila bnyak stock soalan c Mia that day~ tsktsk~ Blajar nda mau, joke2 mau ah~
Sorang2 lapar~ sorang2~ Bored~ we didn't see much poklens that day =p
Went home at 5, since Mia didn't want to go home early~ So antam sja~ The carnival was ehhh... okay lh~ I give it a 6, but time spent with all of them was nice =)
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