I went to school~ Ok, normal smua jua skulah~ knkn =) But yg peliknya I forgot to bring my school bag =p Calilh bagiku =p memalukn plg jua psal siapa in the world lupa bwa school bag ke skulah?? =D HAHA! Okay~ awu malu eh, kna tnya them girls cam bagitau knapa atu malu wah ;p
I did bring a bag plg~ But it's not my school bag, dlmnya charger sja since bwa laptop and biasa nya bwa pkai tanggan sja so snang~ or susahkn~ =p Ntah, aku nda suka laptop bag nya atu -_- nantith biasakn~ Luckily bag pencil apa in that bag jua =) And my examination pad pn bwa pkai tangan sja =) So yea~ Nda jua brapa menyusahkn urg ;)
But then hws and stuff cam =O
Nasib jua it's Thursday, bio, bm and mathsD only =D And gymah told me I should just make a new carbon cycle since miss Izzy mau that day but mlsku kn buat baru =( Akhirnya buat jua~ And THANK YOU gym~ =D Phew~ Nasib jua ko pajal =p tqtq~ Psal if not kluar lab ;p Wow~ lucky eyh, lurus2 bebuat~
And that day I was talking to Dee before bio but I called her Zati~ Shoot! memalukn =p Sorry Dee =( Confuse ku~ You know you both mcm sama wah, and I think aku bnarnya kn ckp sma zati but then slh urg~ or maybe kn ckp ngan kau but slh nama~ Ntah~ I dunno =( Alum bth atu c gymah did something, I forgot apa but I was mad lah~ Marah main2~ and cam smua kn masuk lab~ Yth time kn yell main2 arh c gym I called her Dee!! -_- Gila eyh! Sorry people!! I dunno knapa aku that pagi :D Sorry2~ Maybe mseh tdor kalee =p malu eyh~
And Oooohh! =D I saw him lurus2 hbs bio class :D Drg class photo, saw him fully dressed in uniform =p I don't recall seeing him pkai songkok selama ane, eath mcm bullat mukanya dari jauh :)
Bm was~ hmmp~ since nda bwa my bag I didn't bring anything and hw lagi ada and aku lagi on the black list =p Eath I took c gym, far, fifahJ pnya paper and hantar kdpn =p haha!! Skadar untuk meliatkn muka yg aku ada menghantar ane wah~ Then ada ringkasan and Woooh! Streak!~ A perfect 100 words ;)
CCA was fun~ But 5 org gnya ada =( Bnyak people ada school trip~ And we finished aduk2 that day!! And ada the kelapa thinggy!! =D Wooh! Finally~ It was fun and mengalih jua lah since instructor ngajar non-stop =D Ftt~ ftt~ sja~ Well aku plg tu yg angguk2 ea liat if mau ftt~ Sorry people =p Aku ane awu2 sja wah ne~ =D But siuk jua knkn ;D

Then Madam Rokiah came, akhir~ well skajap plg sja ea dtg~ =p along with 2 org yg visit ms msatu =) I think she was in charge lah, since drg french and madam ajar french and they talked french the whole time, nda kn bm teacher knkn ;D Calilh for me~ Cam Oooo~ cool2, it's been awhile meliat urg bckap pelik2 =p haha!!

Kesian usulnya kami 5 urg sja ah =( But hantam sja~ =p Showed them aduk2 and they learnt it afterwards~ Aku tekajut bnarnya =p one of them yg in blue dapat double step ah!! =O Wow! Double step ane wah~ Well inda plg pyh tu =p But I mean for beginners challenging wah kn blajar atu, it took me some time jua lh dulu blajar :D And I remembered kami kna suruh mcm buat chain and do the steps supaya jaga spacing and pyh lah psal sampit anddddd I'm not making sense ;p huhu~ Sokay2 Aku nda pro explain jua wh 0=)

It rained during lunch and nasib ada c Sar :D Ea cm block some of the rain time kn cross ke canteen since aku bwa laptop =p Thanks =) Gymah sruh aku wait for ea awal2 bnarnya -_- Sedih~ batah2 ku nunggu nda jua ada then sdh ea sendiri ke canteen gtau cm jln2 pnya ya -_- krg asm kau gym~ Sanggup kau =(
Alum bth atu ea ada class sastera~ And begging ya minta hantar~ Huh!~ Tinggalkn org pandai~ Malasth ku kn hantar =p ......but psal ksian jua ku 0=) ku hantar jua~ haha! Ehhh nda pro aku ane, patutnya batah wah menyamal ane :D Biarcia~ Baik lebih baik knkn :)

Ada benda pelik that day~ Ntah apa kh benda nya tu =p It was blue~ Avatar kale or insect yg kn cari heat psal hujan, but some said atu someone wh, mental sdh ea since contact nya nda mau masuk ='( I feel you~ Sasak mbh masukn nda mau2 atu~
Watched the bball game and netball, gila stressed ku liat netball ah -_- Juniors vs the usual~ But annoyed ku with this one girl cam if you wanna play main lah~ Ane sikit2 dapat bula beranti then ada 'ewwww' psal kutur skit then cam I dunno annoyed lah ku sja :D Sorry2~ Carry on~ Bball dari jauh sja =( Drg nda mau bpanas so we just stayed arh tmpt taduh atu~ then drg mls liat lagi -_- I wanna watch em play plg but layan sja th~ =(
Then he came =D I didn't expect it since ea mcm busy and aku nda mau kacau~ but glad he did =) And I forgot about the audition ='( Sorry~ I heard Nad said ea ada class or was it oral, eath lpas hujan lagi~ Mls kn bjalan and bth2 menuggu atu lupa wah =/ But ka zimah made it and that must be good =) Congrats~ And TA people get to perform that day =D Yay!~ That'd be nice, been awhile~ Miss practice with you guys =')
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