This is an old movie, I think 1995 but it's so COOL! =D I've seen it around for some time, while searching for a new movie kn diliat plg tu and well usually I do judge a movie by its cover =p Sadang~ 'Judge' is not the right word, emm but by the cover atu aku decide if I wanna watch it or not :D

The bottom picture is the one yg kinda buat aku to mls liat this movie awal2 :D Psal it's so orange~ and dull-ish~ and old-ish~ yth I skipped it but mcm memajal kn urg review ane the best so okay2~ why not 0=) The movie wasn't oldish at all rupanya =D It was mcm biasa~ And I made a new one, sja2~ Inda plg better but nyaman-er mata memandang without too many reds and orange blablah~ :D But then mls, so yg atas atu sja simple =)
The story is so cool!! =D But there wasn't really any storyline innit which makes it again so cool! In a good way lah~ I didn't realized it at first yg nada storyline atu, cam Oooo~ Well ada plg but it's not like any other movies yg lain lh~ Maybe... ntah~ Psal ane guy meets girl and all they do is talk mcm biasa, atu sja wah but then siuk~ For me plg tu but then ending nya....
Overall I'd give it an 8 lah =)
Luckily this is an old movie and I checked ada sambungannya =) 'Before sunset' so nda pyh tunggu years~ woohhh! I hr lagi downloading plg~ So hopefully siuk jua =) But this is 10 years later from the last movie, and 'Before sunrise' they actually only spent a day in that movie but... liatlh sendiri =) And the actress lawa, she looks like Phoebe Buffay tho =p

Then today I watched Billy Elliot~ Baruth~ I think I bought it months ago =p Siuk! Siuk!~ Cali and kesian~ At first mls liat psal usulnya like the usual dancing movie, he/she kan nari but miskin and/or family against he/she~

I do like dancing but I really don't like the dance movie much =/ Some I do like, but the dances yg siuk plus lawa but the movie as a whole 'sorry~' me no like~ And ada kdg2 its just annoying to watch ;(
But this movie I'm not saying the best plg for this genre~ Actually, even if it is about dancing there really isn't much dance in it. The dance is NOT the main focus, mcm bnyak lah, so siuk and sedih =p And their accents is so cool!~ Mcm pelik gila cali mendangar but funfun! And they have some pretty weird characters yg gila mengajut but I knew it was coming but cm nda pcaya wah!

There's a lot of cursing in this movie tho, but somehow cali mendangar~ Psal the accent kalee~ =p I recommend watching both~ Agath liat, siuk =)