Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Yellow cars!!

I don't know why bnyak yellow cars today, mcm bnyak wah bnar than usual. Even otw to school sdh 5 yellow cars, andang plg every morning tu ada yg 2 buah atu, & sometimes the other two, hee :D But still it was so weird, psal later on I saw more of it. Huhu! Makin rindu wah jadinya~ It always reminds me of Zeerul :)

So today I went to school WITHOUT my bag!! :p Haha! Sekadar~ Biasa plg sdh tu last year during exam or apa, but ane non-exam time wah yth pelik :p

Anyway, I didn't bring my bag psal tinggal in my mum's car because yesterday I went home early, & too desperate to lay down apa, I just left it there. So this morning I didn't realize plg yg bag ku missing :p Haha! My mum plg tu last minute gtau mseh dkerita, but then malas pnya pasal, malas tah ku kn ambil~ padahal ampir :p

Went to school with nothing but me fully clothed!! And my awesome-filled-pencil case plus my files plus some maths book :p Actually all the things that I need are all there plg sdh, d&t nada pyh apa2 since I know there will be a new notes given, physics new practical, ps then no gp, and lastly maths go through sja some questions that I didn't even know we're supposed to do :p Hence, resulting me being so confident in not finding the need to bring the bag :D

My god! Did I just spent 3 paragraphs trying to explain that!? HAHA! Gila boring tu eh! :p

Yea~ I tend to say or write things longer than necessary. Boo! =( My summary skill is very terrible!! But I need to summarize things for my gp test tomorrow --' Hmmph... Gp project not progressing at all. Sucks!! I loved projects & I usually nailed it! Eyyah! Perasan ;) Haha! But the problem now is I no longer have my laptop ='( It's dead!! Huhu! Plus I have no interest in gp at all :p haha! I blame it all on my brother for that. Seriously, last year I like the idea of gp with the projects and all, but then my brother said something & told me to ignore the subject at all cost --' It was kinda annoying psal that ruined it, and I was really influenced by his view when I would've liked it. But then boo! Apa bleh buat, too late. Asal pass sja he said then good enough, then focus on the others.

I know~ I'm getting bored too~ HAHA! :p Ok bye!

Boo! I really really miss someone right now ='( cwtshs! <3 :D

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