Friday, April 22, 2011


Accidentally saw this video posted up by joules I think :) Got so curios and ended up watching the whole thing.

At 12mins... I couldn't stop myself and actually cried non-stop ='(

Gila deeeep~

At 6.36: "Bottom line is, someone stops trying"

To dear Azeerul, my love. I don't want us to end up like that. Please never stop trying. I'm sorry I've been a jerk, if it's worthed, then it's worth the fight. So please never stop trying, and I will try to do the same.

I love you.

I know recently my actions has been clouding your eyes on how I feel for you, but it's because how much you really mean to me that I can get so easily... emotionally... I dunno... Point is, whatever you do can easily affect me, either in a good, or a bad way.

The road is never easy when we want it to be, if it's that easy then it won't mean a thing. The hard times that we'll go through together, is what can prove how strong and true we are.

I love you my dear.

Now I beg you for us to stay together, because together, we shall go through this April and kick ass!! :D

Love, Liy :)

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