Neway, lots of stuff happened and lots of work to do. CCA ada teacher sdh =D I like it, since new dances = Woohooo! And the teacher was nice & young & ntah~ Mcm our age plg I thought. Last week was probably our first real CCA class this year =p I miss that.
Talking bout dancing, I'm joining Field Performance this year with Qilah, yea unexpected but yea! =D Not enjoying practice so far, it made me so speechless looking at our situation right now. Imma give it a go plg sja since every year jua wah I didn't enjoy the first few weeks. The seniors...uhmm ntah, Imma go neutral but funny how they are the groups yg buat hal dengan our group last year but mcm nada saja =p Leah asked who wants to volunteer to design for our t-shirt, and I dunno why but aku mau =p "wawawa" So yea me and some others, Mirah, Neyna, Anis (kale) & I dunno who else are gonna make some design & stuff. Dunno how it works, aku tau buat sja and hantar, job done :D
Oh, my bro turned 23 yesterday! Happy Birthday! So funny yesterday, I was so tired after school so I was in my room buang masa then when aku turun last night, lurus2 my dad got back dari beli satay and mee and then smua ke dapur and ohhh cake, and oohhh abg bday =p HAHA! Antah, aku lupa plg tu, mcm tarus2 turun atu rupanya kn celebrate th tu :D
So yea, we don't really have a 'merry' celebration, slalunya order somthing, makan together skajap, then bubar~ This year mine inda kena celebrate, nyeh~ Biasa sdh, funny tho psal family ku sorang2 lupa =') Eyah! Sarcastic =p Haha! Nadawah~ It was ok really, they do remember plg, awal2 pagi atu saja inda and aku pun mls so act lupa th jua :D haha! My mum & sis already bought something for me earlier that week, my bro bagi moneyh! =D Wohoo! And my dad too, which was kinda sweet of him, psal cara ea bagi cali =p Ok, aku saja paham, but ntah haha!

Owh I did have a lil bday celebration from my friends and Zeerul :D To be honest, I already sensed it before he was gonna tell me =p Handal kale er ;) Haha! Anyway~ THANK YOU! To all of you, and ka Zimah :D Sorry I'm not at my best behavior that time, but really thank you :)

My only cake this year =') Haha! Sedih bunyi nya =p Thank you!! I love it really, ada crunchy bottom =DDDD Thank you love :)

And Happy Blated Monthsary to us!! =D
That was about a week after plg =p Psal we were busy anyway, my grandfather passed away two days before my birthday ='( So I didn't really mind, I don't know how I feel about that.... I mean, ntah~ I'm not sure if I shared it with anyone, but I'm so confused, ntah I dunno how to feel, mixed feelings. I'm not sad, or maybe I am, but I dunno why or how. This is my first time losing a close family member, my dad's dad. We were never that close plg, I mean our relationship isn't, and I doubt my dad were as well, mcm ntahhhh~ I don't have much memories with that man, but somehow I'm really sad, or lost ntah confused ok bye! =p
Sigh~ ok I'm a bit sad, it made me think how it would be like if my dad's mother are still alive and my grandparents are still together. Mcm I really wonder how my grandmother would be like, mcm what if we get a chance to bond and maybe I wanna feel that, mcm ntah! Ok! Entah! Ntah~ I just wonder silently, I didn't dare tanya, I don't know much about her, or ever her name, I don't even know how she looks like. Ok! Sadang! Ntah~ Seee~ I'm so confused, I seldom think about this. Mcm it feels so weird and disconnected, but I do wonder, ok bye! For real! :D
Ok maybe not. ok baik tah eyh! =p Haha! See! Menyeleweng kan~ I was actually just gonna drop by and say hye since so expired sdh this blog =p OKAY MBH! Imma stop, I don't wanna waste any more time. Besides, I dunno why but I'm really determined to do well in my D&T, gila~ Last year AS people tabal2 kan their folio --" Tercabar wah!! Ok so bye! :D
Owh~ Before I do, a special 'Thank You' to my dear Sweetheart for helping me out a lot recently, even now as we speak =) I mean reaaaaaaally thank you! Maybe it's sekadar but then it's whats matters, and I really appreciate it :) There was something that you said last Monday that really made me think... in a good way =') Make a deal and I'll tell you what ;) HAHA! Ok! Sorry~ Nadawah, sorry if I'm being an ass to you recently. Well I am a monster pain in the ass ;)
Sigh! Now I really miss him! ='( So many dugaan recently~ and more will come to test us sooner or later. So let's go through it all together please will you =)
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