Now 'pelik' is a different story ;) Awu ada story but malu ku crita =p
Can I be both happy and upset at the same time? (=(
Neway didn't post that much because I wasn't much of a blogger in the first place ;p I used to keep a diary but then lost in when we moved to our new house ='( Yth since then mcm mls kn write down stuff psal was so disappointed... Now type down sja :D But sama jua lakat pmls~ But then that's not really the case, every time I tired to log in ada error or halangan~ sooooo eath yg membari mls tu and connection lagi!! ;'(
But usulnya now the site is working! =D Or was it just me yg rusak msatu =(
Listen to this!
Last night was so bored so I just click2 this and that arh fb =p Then inda menantu I found ka Nani! haha! What a luck ;p Well inda plg betagur tu, nanti th kalee.. just saying how small Brunei is sampai every few click kau knal the person. 'Few' in Leeza's case lah, ea ane... mcm database! In my case ntahh... bnyak plg aku nda knal, so ertinya bnyak clicks and stalking lah tu sampai tjumpa ksana ;) Inda plg, bhapa jua kn menstalk, public views kale tu ah! Besides~ I'm too 0;) and also psal inda handal plg jua :D
Last night was so bored so I just click2 this and that arh fb =p Then inda menantu I found ka Nani! haha! What a luck ;p Well inda plg betagur tu, nanti th kalee.. just saying how small Brunei is sampai every few click kau knal the person. 'Few' in Leeza's case lah, ea ane... mcm database! In my case ntahh... bnyak plg aku nda knal, so ertinya bnyak clicks and stalking lah tu sampai tjumpa ksana ;) Inda plg, bhapa jua kn menstalk, public views kale tu ah! Besides~ I'm too 0;) and also psal inda handal plg jua :D
So I have ka Fathin, ka Nani, ka Rumm and ka Zimah yg taught me dancing, and also ka Yas and cousin ka Fiqah at times :) Nostalgic eyh! I kinda miss 2006 =') Everyone mseh ada~ I hope after ka zimah graduate we'd still work together ;) haha! "Work"~ but you know what I mean =D
Wasalu Muhammad Jaco!
Also known as Lupe Fiasco! This dude is the singer yg the video atas, 'the show goes on' Lawa2, I found it while on my clicking job lagi =p Couldn't find the song title so as usual I had to google the lyrics :D Was bored wah what else can I do? Of course revising for O level is a must, but then I didn't really thought of that =p HAHA
And oh!! He's a muslim! =O Mcm waw! Never found a berwarna male rapper yg andang born muslim or maybe andang bnyak lagi?
The music in that song ada jua in this vid, and the mv is interesting =)
Part 0.17-0.26 lah~ Mau juakn lurus2 fact ;p Actually I think C Lupe atu plg tu yg copy dari this artist, with permission lah kalee~ If inda kena sue tia knkn ;) I can be smart too =p And also this band indie! No wonder music nya aku tpakai =p HAHA! Nda plg semestinya, the singer aku inda kebrapaan, yet lah kale mnatau~
I do like all genre of music (kalee) but few yg aku really tpakai~ So picky lah jua ;p It's always the music first, lyrics then the voice of the singer yg matters to me :)
And I miss Azeerul already~ Well he left dramatically, drama king jua =p haha! Nadawah~ You don't have to leave me, you're just going 'outdoor' so you can go 'indoor' :D HAHA! Okkkk, nada nvm! Dinding sja kale ;p Awu siuk sendiri~ uh-huh so fun, but it'll be more fun with you ='( Huhu! Now sedih cia~
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