Saturday, May 28, 2011

The talk that never listens

Can't even have a real conversation without... sigh

The lack of support, was there even one, seems like every time I tell them about my choices, it was never good enough, not even ever good in their eyes, do you have to make me feel so foolish every time. Why can they, not me.

No one would give a dm so go get yourself another bottle to fill it in :)

The 2nd time! :D

Wish I have an animal companion =(

Monday, May 16, 2011

2 weeks =)

I love my boyfriend :)

He's so cawir :D

Monday, May 9, 2011

Gonna sleep now. Bismillah :)

New leaf


Woohoo! I managed to learn how to do gif in PSE! :D

I miss my laptop. Should get it fix soon :)

Only you~

Do you know I really value our relationship more than anything. Believe me I never ever want to lose it. So let's make full use of this love. To take a breath and realize all the things that we couldn't see before. It is not to forget, but a time to be appreciated. So please do remember that I love you :)

Now let's have a kit kat ;)

I've gone identity mad

So mannnnyyy drafts! :P Well I guess I didn't really have the time as I said I would've 0=p Neway~

Remember this song! :D I remember a few years ago, Mika was such a big hit, and this song keeps on playing on the radio. And I loved it, kinda miss this. It brings back such memories :)